- table locking clamp 工作台锁紧夹头
- If the clustered index is being rebuilt, an exclusive table lock is held. 如果重新生成了聚集索引,则持有排他表锁。
- Table locking can improve performance of the bulk-import operation by reducing lock contention on the table. 表锁定可以通过减少表中的锁争用来提高大容量导入操作的性能。
- When you specify table locking, a bulk update table-level lock is taken for the duration of the bulk-import operation. 指定表锁定后,在大容量导入操作期间采取大容量更新表级锁定。
- Long-term table locks are not held. 不保留长期表锁。
- The Database Engine chooses the appropriate lock and can escalate the lock from a row or page lock to a table lock. 数据库引擎将选择相应的锁,并且可以将锁从行锁或页锁升级到表锁。
- If HOLDLOCK is also specified, the shared table lock is held until the end of the transaction. 如果同时指定了HOLDLOCK,那么,在事务结束之前将一直保持该共享表锁。
- If the delete operation does not use a table lock, the table (heap) will contain many empty pages. 如果执行删除操作时没有使用表锁,表(堆)中将包含许多空页。
- This way all updates and inserts can be performed, except those that require an exclusive (X) table lock. 通过这种方式,除了需要排他(X)表锁的更新和插入以外,可执行所有更新和插入。
- CREATE TRIGGER puts a table lock on the table, and thus requires exclusive use of the table. CREATE TRIGGER将对表进行表锁定,因此需要对表进行排它使用。
- A row share table lock is the least restrictive mode of table lock, offering the highest degree of concurrency for a table. 行共享模式的表级锁的限制程度最低,因而能够保证表的最大的并发访问能力。
- Unique taper lock design avoids the misalignment problems that are common with traditional taper lock clamps. 独特的锥度设计避免了传统设计的不同轴度。
- Similarly, page locks are always escalated to table locks. 同样,页锁始终升级到表锁。
- Table locks are applied for the duration of the index operation. 在索引操作期间应用表锁。
- If a snapshot cannot be created, or TABLOCK is specified, DBCC CHECKTABLE acquires a shared table lock to obtain the required consistency. 如果无法创建快照,或指定了TABLOCK,则DBCC CHECKTABLE将获取一个共享表锁来获得所需的一致性。
- This is because sp_article_validation (Transact-SQL) holds a shared table lock on the source table for the duration of the transaction. 这是因为sp_article_validation(Transact-SQL)在事务持续期间的源表中具有一个共享的表锁。
- Permitted Operations: Only one transaction can obtain an exclusive table lock for a table. An exclusive table lock permits other transactions only to query the table. 允许的操作:同一时间只有一个事务能获得表上的排他表级锁。一个事务获得排他表级锁后,其他事务只能对表进行查询操作。
- Long-term table locks are not held for the duration of the index operation. 在索引操作期间不持有长期表锁。
- Prohibited Operations: An exclusive table lock held by a transaction prohibits other transactions from performing any type of DML statement or placing any type of lock on the table. 禁止的操作:一个事务获得排他表级锁后,将禁止其他事务对表执行任何DML操作,其他事务也无法获取表上任何类型的锁。
- Takes page locks either where individual locks are ordinarily taken on rows or keys, or where a single table lock is ordinarily taken. 在通常行或键采用单个锁的地方,或者通常采用单个表锁的地方,请采用页锁。