- His tactless remark killed the conversation. 他一句不得体的话使谈话无法继续下去了。
- It was out of order for him to make such a tactless remark. 他说出这种不策略的话是得不得体的。
- Lacking social polish; tactless. 不善交际的缺乏社会风度的; 不圆滑的
- An awkward or tactless act, manner, or expression. 笨拙行为一种笨拙或不老练的行为、方式或表情
- Share prices showed significant advances today. 今日股票价格大幅上涨。
- As autumn advances the days close in. 随着秋天的到来,白天越来越短。
- He did not respond to her advances. 他对她的友好表示无动於衷。
- Lacking in consideration for the feelings of others; tactless. 不体贴的不考虑他人感情的; 不得体的
- I was rather tactless me to ask such a question. 我竟问出这么个问题,实在是少了个心眼。
- He can be very tactless sometimes. 他有时很不讲方式方法.
- There have been great advances in medicine in the last ten years. 在过去十年里,医学取得了巨大的进步。
- This agreement opens the door to advances in every field. 这项协议开启了各个领域进步之门。
- A well-meaning but tactless fellow. 一个友善的但却不乖巧的伙伴。
- It was tactless of you to comment on his hair! 你竟对他的头发说三道四,真是缺心眼!
- Technical advances improve productivity. 技术进步提高生产力。
- While this may be the truth, it's really tactless. 话是说得没错,然而却是不明智的。
- Her tactless remark offended me. 她不成熟的评论让我不满。
- Far from repelling his advances she rather encouraged him. 她不但不拒绝他的求爱,反而半推半就。
- It was tactless to bring up those disagreeable. 提起那些讨厌的事是不够策略的。
- My defects are blunt, tactless and over sensible. 我缺点耿直, 不圆滑, 过份理智。