- tail of our eyen. 眼梢(视野的边缘)
- The landscape unfolded in front of our eyes. 风景呈现在我们眼前。
- He is watching me from the tail of his eye. 他在偷偷地注视着我。
- All the good weather came at the tail end of our holiday. 到我们假期的末尾天气才好起来。
- He noticed this out of the tail of his eye. 他把这一切都暗中看在眼里。
- A flap from the tail of the whale upset the boat. 鲸尾轻轻一拍便把小船打翻了。
- We were at the tail of the bus queue. 我们立在公车候车队伍的末尾。
- So when we look directly at something (as we do most of the time), we're using the part of our eye that is most sensitive to color. 因为当我们直接看向某物(就像我们通中看的),我们利用眼中最敏感的一部分面对颜色。
- I can't make head or tail of it. 我对此不理解。
- Not pester me tell you, you are still there in front of our eyes. 告诉你别缠着我,你却还出现在我的眼前。怎么说来着?
- However, in front of our eyes, there is nothing but bleakness. 他记忆中的少年溪温泉区,但现在呈现眼前的,却是一片荒凉。
- A runner fixes his or her eye on the finish line.So we fix our eye on the One who is the very source and goal of our faith. 就像赛跑运动员注目终点,我们也当定睛仰望我们的主,因为祂是我们信心的泉源和标竿。
- I can't make head or tail of it. It's a complete dog's breakfast. 我简直摸不着头脑; 事情简直是一塌糊涂。
- The situation is so confused, no one can make head or tail of it. 情况是那样复杂,谁也弄不清是怎么回事。
- I think maybe it's time to consider of purchasing some interphones, thus we can keep in tuch all the time between the head and the tail of our team when the singnal is weak in the mountain. 我觉得是时侯考虑购买一些对讲机了,有了这个,在山里信号不好的地方就能随时保持联系,前后呼应一下子。
- The regulations do not admit of our doing that. 按照规定我们不能这样做。
- The car industry is one of our biggest employers. 汽车工业是我们最大的雇主之一。
- He spoke such a jargon I couldn't make head or tail of what he said. 他讲那么一种方言土语,我根本不懂他说什么。
- Edward is the big daddy of our golf club. 爱华德是我们高尔夫球俱乐部里的重要人手。
- Out of the tail of her eye,she glanced at her only passenger. 她从眼角向她那惟一的乘客瞟了一眼。