- He didn't take a stand for the proposal until he had some information. 直到他掌握了某些情况,他才赞成这个建议。
- We the Buffalo species take a stand for UNITY. 我们大白牛物种站在统一的立场上。
- So few people ever take a stand for what they believe in. 几乎没有人敢于维护自己的主张。
- She took a stand for my suggestion in public but against it in private. 她在公众面前赞成我的建议但私下又反对。
- Who will rise up for me against the wicked? Who will take a stand for me against evildoers? 谁肯为我起来攻击作恶的?谁肯为我站起抵挡作孽的?
- A man dies when he refuses to stand up for that which is right. A man dies when he refuses to take a stand for that which is true. 谁拒绝捍卫正确的东西,谁就死了。谁拒绝捍卫真理,谁就死了。
- We were put to a stand for want of men and money. 我们由于缺乏人手和资金而停了下来。
- A stand for a set of condiment containers. 架子放多种调味品容器的架子
- If he wants my vote he'll have to take a stand on the question of free trade. 如果他要我投他的票,他就必须在自由贸易问题上采取坚定的立场。
- We were impelled by circumstances to take a stand. 我们因形势所迫而采取一个立场
- For all its verbiage, an article that bristles with such symbols, that does not pose, analyse or solve problems and that does not take a stand for or against anything is devoid of real content and nothing but a Chinese pharmacy. 一篇文章充满了这些符号,不提出问题,不分析问题,不解决问题,不表示赞成什么,反对什么,说来说去还是一个中药铺,没有什么真切的内容。
- They made a stand and took a rest. 他们停下来休息一下。
- We must take a stand on political issues. 在政治问题上,我们必须表明并坚持我们的立场。
- We were impelledby circumstances to take a stand. 我们因形势所迫而采取一个立场。
- She needs to take a stand onthe issue. 在这问题上她必须采取一种立场。
- Help them take a stand and stand with them. 帮助他们形成主见并支持他们。
- When you take a stand, you're being bull-headed. 当你紧持自己的立场时,那是固执。
- When you take a stand, you are being bullheaded. 当你坚持己见时,你是顽固的。
- The new project has come to a stand for lack of funds. 新工程因资金缺乏而告中断。
- The project was brought to a stand for want of men and money. 由于缺乏人手和资金,项目停了下来。