- Let me take an example: staff relations are much more complex. 让我举个例子:工作人员之间的关系就要复杂得多。
- Let me take an example: staff relation is much more complex. 让我举个例子:工作人员之间的关系就要复杂得多。
- They are likely to take an example file and tweak it to include their data. 他们很可能会找到一个例子文件,然后通过修改使其包括他们自己的数据。
- As an example, take an application that maintains a linked list of accounts. 以维护链接的帐户列表的应用程序为例。
- To shed light on these questions, I'd like to take an example from the fairly recent past. 为更好地清楚阐明这些问题,我想从最近的过去中举一个例子。
- Let me take an example: W. Shakespeare's Hamlet is one of the four great tragedies. 例如,莎士比亚的《哈姆雷特》就是四大悲剧之一。
- JH: Let's take an example: A person could say, "When I look at my history I see that there are certain patterns there. 让我们用一个例子来说明:一个人可以说,“当我们回顾我们自己的历史,我看到那里有些特定的模式。
- Therefore,we say it would be better for us old comrades to take an enlightened attitude and set an example in this respect. 所以我们说,老同志带个头,开明一点好。
- Therefore, we say it would be better for us old comrades to take an enlightened attitude and set an example in this respect. 所以我们说,老同志带个头,开明一点好。
- Let's take an example of the sutra of Da Bei Zou.Various Buddha's names that teem in the sutra represent different frequency. 以大悲咒为例,内文均为各佛菩萨的名号,亦代表着各种不同的频率。
- To take an example for 3-node brigade (regiment) NCW architecture, end-to-end network latency is determined and correspondent link information is gained. 以3节点旅(团)级网络中心战架构为例,计算了端到端网络时延并且获取了对应的链路信息。
- To take an example, consider how a cognitive response rationale for the effect of source credibility on attitude might look under the canonical formulation of the Received View. 举一个例子来说,考虑影响资源可信度的理论基础是如何反应认知度的态度,看起来可以固有观点的标准表述。
- Taking an engineering case as an example, this paper describes the process and merit of the BRB technology. 本文叙述并讨论了防压曲支撑用于结构抗震加固的过程及特点,并列举了一个工程实例。
- By taking an example of mould manufacturing, this paper introduces the structure and design of a SFC system. 以模具生产为例,阐述了一种车间作业控制系统的功能结构和设计方法。
- It may take an hour to wind off all the thread. 把所有线都松下需一个小时。
- Her diligence has set an example to the others. 她的勤奋为其他人树立了榜样。
- He will take an oral examination. 他将接受口试。
- To take an example from the past,the Revolution of 1911 miscarried because the proletariat did not consciously participate in it and the Communist Party was not yet in existence. 远的如辛亥革命,因为那时还没有无产阶级的自觉的参加,因为那时还没有共产党,所以流产了。
- You should take an umbrella just as a precaution. 你该带把伞,有备无患。
- Taking an example of Saitama-arena in Tokyo, the article introduces a typical way for the suburban commercial development in metropolitan cities. 通过介绍日本东京都琦玉县新都心商业开发的典型案例,探讨国际大都市圈郊区商业发展的主要特点和模式。