- The men you face take blood as fee. 你面对的要用血来做交换。
- You would hae to anesthetize them to take blood samples. 你需要麻醉它们取血样。
- Results can help determine whether patients should take blood pressure pills in the morning or evening. 监测结果可以帮助病人确定,是否在早晨或傍晚服用降压丸。
- The female Anopheles mosquito takes blood from its victims mainly at night. 药物能杀死人体内的疟原虫,阻止其进入血液甚至肝脏繁殖。
- Do I need to take blood tests? 我需要抽血检查吗?
- In a recent survey of 113 colleges and universities, conducted by the Yi Ren Ping Center, 94 acknowledged that infected applicants, required to take blood tests, would be summarily rejected. 但是社会的体检惯例也决定了它是事实)。一人平机构最近对113名乙肝携带者应届大学生所做的调查,94个人被要求做血液检查,并且将被用人单位拒绝。
- She took the eggs for analysis and took blood and feather samples from all of the adults. 为了进行分析,她拿走卵,并从所有的成年鸟身上采取血液和羽毛样本。
- Please take the bag of trash to the garbage can. 请将这袋垃圾拿到垃圾筒去。
- Take your blood count first, please. 请先做一次血球计数。
- Brad: Next week, on Thursday, the Bloodmobile will be here taking blood for the Oregon Blood Bank Association. I really think you should go down and give your pint. 布雷德:下个礼拜,星期四那天,捐血车会来这里接受捐血,并将血存入奥勒冈血库协会。我实在认为您也应该去捐个几品脱的血。
- Services free of charge on Respect-for-the-aged Day: haircutting, repairing glasses, cutting out garments, taking Blood pressure. 敬老节免费服务项目:理发、修眼镜、裁衣、量血压。
- Objective To propose the nursing tactics by analyzing 26 cases of syncope while taking blood in physical health examination. 目的通过对26例健康体检者抽血晕针原因进行分析,并提出护理对策。
- But they weren't taking blood pressure drugs and they didn't hae other conditions such as coronary artery disease, heart failure, or diabetes. 但是他们都没有服用抗高血压药物,他们也没有其它类心脏疾病,如:冠装动脉硬化疾病、心衰或者糖尿病。
- I take it you know what a stethoscope is. 我想你知道听诊器是个什么东西。
- They also took blood samples and analysed the sequence of a handful of genes implicated in CFS, and the activity of 20,000 more using gene chips. 他们还采了血样,并利用基因芯片分析了在CFS中有牵连的几种基因的序列以及另外2万种的活性。
- The alterations to your coat will take a week. 你的外衣改一改要花一个星期。
- Methods:We took blood samples from the small veins under the skin of neck of rats,and measured the blood-agglutinating time by slide method directly. 方法:从大鼠颈部皮下小静脉取血,采用玻片法直接测定血凝时间。
- People in this locality used to take two meals a day. 这儿的居民过去每天吃两餐饭。
- It may take a long time to find a solution to the problem. 也许要花很长时间才能找到解决这个问题的办法。
- They followed 10 patients being treated with HAART, taking blood and gut samples before and after three years of treatment. 三年中他们对10名患者进行高效抗逆转录病毒疗法,采集治疗前后的血样和脏器标本。