- Everybody hurts. Take comfort in your friends. 每个人都会受伤,让你的朋友为你抚慰。
- I often take comfort from reading. 我经常从读书中寻求安慰。
- Some take comfort from the world's interdependency. 世界的互相依存给一些人一丝慰藉。
- But neither can two great and powerful groups of nation take comfort from our present course. 但是,这两个强大的国家集团都无法从目前所走的道路中得到安慰。
- Optimists take comfort from consumers' resilience so far. 时至今日,那些乐观派从消费者的抗病能力得到满足。
- We can all take comfort in knowing that the rescue team is coming. 得知援救队即将来到,我们就可以安心了。
- Take comfort in knowing that the same energy within the sun. 令人安慰的是,在太阳中的相同能量。
- Take comfort, your father will eventually forgive you. 放心,你父亲最终会原谅你的。
- I see no grounds for taking comfort in that notion. 我看没有这种自我安慰的根据。
- Take comfort in your friends. If you feel like you're alone, no, no, no, you are not alone. 每个人都会受伤。从你的朋友处寻找慰藉吧每个人都会受伤。不要放弃。不。不要放弃。假如你感觉独自一人,不,不,不,你不是单独一人。
- Share your pain and problems allow yourself to take comfort from those that love you. 向那些爱你的人们说出你的痛楚与忧虑,允许自己得到他们的安慰。
- The fact that China has given us her full support is something that we should take comfort in. 我们感到更加鼓舞和欣慰的,是国家对于我们开展的事业,给予很大的支持。
- You might take comfort from the fact that someone at least is astonished by the depth of your knowledge. 你或许能从这个事实中得到安慰:至少有人惊讶于你广博的学识。
- We can at least take comfort that there is one worse fate - becoming food - that mercifully is highly unlikely. 不过我们可以至少不用担心一件更糟的命运 - 被当成食物 - 感谢老天爷,这几乎是非常不可能的。"
- Mr Hu may take comfort from the recent findings of government statisticians in Beijing. 胡政府或许能从北京政府最近的统计资料中得到几许安慰。
- Harry smiles, but it doesn't reach his eyes. "Sometimes I've felt sunrises were the only things I could take comfort in. Harry微笑着,但那笑意却不在他眼中。“有时我觉得日出是唯一能安慰我的存在。
- There are people who know that there's always a mystery to be solved.And they take comfort in researching and writing down any important evidence. 也有些人,他们知道迷题总会被揭开,他们热心于研究,并记录一切重要的证据。
- Dear reader, there are people in the world who know no misery and woe.And they take comfort in cheerful films about twittering birds and giggling elves. 亲爱的读者,世界上有些人他们不懂什么叫悲惨,却沉迷于欢快的电影中对叽叽喳喳的鸟儿和咯咯笑的精灵感到宽心。
- Clothes that hang onto the body translate the feel of this look - hipster skirts, bell bottomed pants, leather and lace. Glamour is trashed so take comfort in rock and roll. 紧紧的裹住身体的服装演绎了这一季的流行----时髦的裙子,喇叭裤,皮革饰边。摇滚中的舒适是一种无法抗拒的美。
- Take comfort in knowing that even a modest incremental reduction can confer significant health benefits, lowering your risk of heart disease or diabetes. 静下心来想一想既使一种适度增加的减重也能带来巨大的健康益处,减少你患心脏病和糖尿病的风险。