- These boys are really taking it on the chin. 这些男孩们实在是饱受了惩罚。
- A good football leader can take it on the chin when his team loses. 一个好的足球领队在本队遭受失败时能泰然处之。
- When he lost his money he said he would have to take it on the chin. 他失去那笔钱以后,他说他必须忍受痛苦。
- I`ve had a few jeers in my time, you take it on the chin and get on with it. 我也有过几次被嘘的经历,你必须学会承受痛苦。
- Our football team really took it on the chin today. 我们的足球队今天一败涂地。
- When I found out that you were lying to me, did you expect me just to take it on the chin and move on? 当我发现你欺骗我的时候,你还期望我忍气吞声被感动吗?
- Sam really took it on the chin during his last business venture. 萨姆上次的交易真是进行得很艰难。
- They laid some rude chops on him, but he took it on the chin. 他强忍住了他们对他的挖苦讽刺。
- Our football team really took it on the chin today. The members are all bumps and bruises. 我们的足球队今天可吃够了苦头,队员们个个鼻青脸种。
- After the expose he had to take it on the lam. 事情曝光后,他不得不潜逃。
- He must have felt acutely disappointed when his job went to another man, but he never said a word; he took it right on the chin. 他的工作落入他人之手时,他肯定极为伤心,但他从未吐露一言,忍受住了这次打击。
- He's really been taking it on the chin the last few months. He's had one piece of bad luck after another. 最近几个月来他确实倒霉,坏运气接踵而至。
- When he was fired for no reason he took it on the chin and looked for another job. 没有理由的被开除了,他忍气吞声,找另一份工作。
- Robert was made redundant after twenty years with the same firm,but he took it on the chin and found another job within week. 罗伯特在一家公司工作20年后被裁减了,但他毫不气馁,一个星期内又找到了工作。
- Robert was made redundant after twenty years with the same firm, but he took it on the chin and found another job within week. 罗伯特在一家公司工作20年后被裁减了,但他毫不气馁,一个星期内又找到了工作。
- I chucked the baby under the chin and kissed it on the cheek. 我托起了婴孩的下巴。并亲吻一下它的脸。
- It takes many years to learn to take life's blows on the chin. 人们需要经过许多年才能学会忍受生活中的各种打击。
- Please buy a ticket first,then take it on the counter. 请先买票,然后拿出柜台。
- Please buy a ticket first, then take it on the counter. 请先买票,然后拿出柜台。
- Take it on the distal side of lateral incisors when necessary. 如果有必要,放在侧切牙的远中面上。