- Do not take it seriously; he did it out of impulse. 别把这当回事,这是他一时冲动所为。
- If you don't pay, I'll take it out of your deposit. 你再不交,我就要从你的押金里扣了。
- He threatened to take it out of the boy's, hide. 他威胁说要揍那小孩一顿。
- Frozen food thaws or defrosts when we take it out of the freezer. 冷冻的食物从冷藏室取出解冻; 用thaw或defrost均可.
- His recent illness has taken it out of him. 他最近这场病使他变得虚弱不堪。
- The long journey really took it out of mother. 长途旅程真使我母亲筋疲力尽。
- His story isn't original,he took it out of a novel. 他的故事并不是独创,而是从一本小说中抄来的。
- Taking care of small children takes it out of you. 照看小孩会使你精疲力尽。
- The strenuous climb really took it out of her. 那次爬山非常累人,真够她受的。
- All that hard work has taken it out of me. 那繁重的工作搞得我筋疲力尽。
- The long journey seems to have taken it out of him. 长途跋涉看来已使他筋疲力尽。
- Nursing children took it out of me. 照料小孩弄得我疲惫不堪。
- I took it as a sign and left it out of the teabag box list. 我把它当作一个标记拿出了茶袋盒。
- The long journey seems to have taken it out of mother. 长途跋涉似乎把妈妈给累垮了。
- If you have a video camera or laptop, please take it out of the case. 如果您有录影机或笔记型电脑,请从箱子里拿出来。
- He took it out of the oven and covered it with fresh tomato sauce. 他把它从锅里捞出来,淋上新鲜的番茄汁。
- This phone will garner lots of wows when you take it out of your pocket. 但是如果你买了它,不要让人们知道,内侧相当呆滞。
- He likes to dish it out, but he hates to take it. 他喜欢骂人,可不喜欢别人骂他。
- The long walk to work every day really took it out of me. 每天走老远的路去上班确实让我精疲力竭。
- My father can still cycle up the hill but it takes it out of him. 我父亲仍然能骑自行车上小山,但那使他疲惫不堪。