- The helicopter may take place of car some day. 也许有一天直升机会取代汽车。
- Cleverness does not take place of knowledge. 聪明代替不了知识。
- Nothing in the world can take place of persistence. 在这个世界上,坚持无可替代。
- Nothing can take place of persistance. 没有什么可以取代坚持!
- What Should be Used as to Take Place of Metaphysics? 拿什么取代形而上学?
- Crowdsourcing is taking place of outsourcing gradually. 众包正逐渐取代外包。
- Skirmishes took place, and Earth became a place of duality. 冲突发生了,并且地球成为二元性的地方。
- It also can take place of the embosser with a fiction of embossing roller. 是现代印刷包装行业不可缺少的印后加工设备。
- Take the mike[mickey, micky] out of sb. [英口]取笑某人,戏弄[挖苦]某人;杀某人的威风
- Take over [inherit] the mantle of sb. 继承某人的衣钵
- Adopt high scientific fiber material to take place of steel wire bead, to make tyre foldng. 采用高科技纤维材料代替钢丝圈,使轮胎可折叠。
- High light efficency,concentrated light,no additional ballast,which can take place of incandesce lamp,reducing investment fees. 特点:发光效率高,光线集中,不需要附加镇流器,可直接与白炽灯互换使用,减少投资费用。
- In wolves’ life, nothing can take place of unyielding spirit, which makes them live arduously and painfully. 在狼的生命中,没有什麽可以替代锲而不舍的精神,正因为它才使得狼得以千心万苦地生存下来。
- Gastrorrhagia later period how take good care of sb? 胃出血后期怎么调养?
- All-rounder can't take place of perseverance. It's ubiquitousness that an all-rounder can't achieve succeed. 全才不能取代坚持,是全才而没有成功的人比比皆是。
- In the end they reached a place of safety. 他们终于到达了一个安全的地方。
- Knock [wallop] the(living)daylights out of sb. 将某人打得脑袋开花
- Feudal government gradually took place of a savage primitive society. 封建政体逐渐取代了野蛮的原始社会。
- Pledge the health [success] of sb. 为某人的健康[成功]而干杯
- Such people can take place of drought, water, artificial rainfall, reasonable irrigation, etc. 例如干旱的地方人们可以采取人工降雨,修建水里,合理灌溉等等。