- The plan is beginning to take shape in my mind. 这个计画在我脑子里逐渐有了眉目。
- A strange idea began to take shape in my mind. 一个奇怪的想法在我的脑海里萌生。
- Our thoughts will take shape in action. 我们的想法将逐步付诸于行动。
- His intention took shape in action. 他的意向已付诸行动。
- The regional innovation system took shape in Beijing. 首都区域创新体系初具规模。
- For a moment a phrase tried to take shape in my mouth and my lips parted like a dumb man's, as though there was more struggling upon them than a wisp of startled air. 一会儿的工夫,有一句话快到了嘴边,我的两片嘴唇像哑巴一样张开,仿佛除了一丝受惊的空气之外还有别的什么在上面挣扎着要出来。
- The knowledge, skill and thought that students obtain by themselves is an unreal image that external knowledge, skill and thought take shape in the mind of the students. 学生所获得的知识、技能和思想是外在知识、技能和思想在学生主体头脑中形成的虚幻影像;
- And outsight and regarded perceiving as the foundation to take shape in the course of perceiving, have left and has not observed either when perceiving. 而观察力是在感知过程中并以感知为基础形成起来的,离开了感知也就没有了观察。
- The resolve to quit the world had taken shape in the poor youth's soul. 在这可怜的青年心里已经形成了离开这个世界的决定。
- Strictly speaking,no factions of any sort have ever taken shape in our Party. 我们这个党,严格地说来没有形成过这一派或那一派。
- Eg. A comprehensive weather observation system is taking shape in our country. 我国正在形成一个全面的气象观测系统。
- Strictly speaking, no factions of any sort have ever taken shape in our Party. 我们这个党,严格地说来没有形成过这一派或那一派。
- New unique feature has taken shape in use of steroids in menopause women. 激素类药物已成为绝经期妇女用药的新特点;基因工程药物已应用于妇科;
- The writer's dreams find a shape in his novel. 作者的理想在他的小说中得到体现。
- Three green ecological barriers took shape in the city zone,the plain area and the mountain belt. 市区、平原地区、山区三道绿色生态屏障初具规模。
- A legal framework with the Constitution at its core has basically taken shape in China. 以宪法为核心的法律体系框架基本形成。
- I made out two dim shapes in the gloom. 我在朦胧中看出有两个模糊的影子。
- After six weeks' work the house began to take shape. 经过6个星期的工作以后,那座房子开始初具规模。
- A family planning service network has effectively taken shape in both urban and rural areas. 基本形成了遍及城乡的计划生育服务网络。
- Completely new relations between teachers and students are taking shape in our school. 崭新的师生关系正在我们学校中形成。