- The wolf find reason for take the lamb. 叼羊的狼总有理由。
- The priest is to take the lamb for the guilt offering, together with the log of oil, and wave them before the Lord as a wave offering. 祭司要把赎愆祭的羊羔和那一罗革油一同作摇祭,在耶和华面前摇一摇。
- The lamb had to be brought up by hand. 这只小羊要用奶瓶喂养。
- Please take the bag of trash to the garbage can. 请将这袋垃圾拿到垃圾筒去。
- She took the proposal like a lamb. 她顺从地接受了这项建议。
- Take the left fork at the crossroads. 到十字路口取左边的岔道。
- The lamb is too young to be weaned from its mother. 小羊羔还太小,不能断奶。
- Do you ever take the subway alone late at night? 你有没有在深夜单独乘过地铁?
- The lamb had been pecked by crows. 那只小羊被乌鸦啄着.
- Washing machines take the drudgery out of laundry. 洗衣机把洗衣工作带出了洗衣房。
- The lamb has fallen to the Sultan$s beak. 这个小羊羔倒在了苏丹的利喙下面。
- I'll take the report home and read it at leisure. 我把报告带回家去慢慢看。
- Take the car for a trial run to see if you like it. 试试那辆汽车,看看你是否满意。
- Would you like some mint sauce with the lamb? 羊肉里要放点薄荷沙司吗?
- Are you going to take the challenge lying down? 你打算屈服于这种挑战吗?
- Season the lamb with garlic and rosemary. 给羊肉加蒜和迷迭香调味。
- I hope you will take the advice in good part. 我希望你能愉快地接受这劝告。
- Serve the lamb with new potatoes and green beans. 羊肉要配新鲜土豆和青刀豆一起上。
- Take the kettle from off the fire. 把水壶从火炉上拿开。
- The lamb was a puny little thing. 羊羔瘦小孱弱。