- When it is safe, give a right turn signal and take up position just left of the middle of the road or in the space marked for right-turning Traffic. 情况安全的话,发出右转信号,然后驶至路中央偏左处,或驶入画上右转道路标记的行车。
- To take up positions in or as if in a military formation. 编队,编制按照军队的编制或似按军队的编制排列位置
- The troops took up positions along the main road. 部队在主要沿线布置阵地
- If the attack were in the mountains, militiamen would take up positions on every peak; if in the plains, in underground tunnels. 如果敌人进攻山区,民兵就在每一座山头上严阵以待;如果敌人进攻平原地区,民兵就打地道战。
- Once it became common for women to leave the home and take up positions in society, this “hysteria” became a rarity. 一旦妇女们走出家门,找到工作,这种“歇斯底里”的症状基本就会消失。
- Coyle had his platoon retreat into house on the outer ring, then take up positions on the second floor. 科勒中尉让他的排退回进到刚才那座房子里,在二楼建立阵地。
- Once all five planes were on the ground, IDF armored personnel carriers deployed to take up positions around the airport. 当5架飞机都降落后,国防军的装甲车被部署来守卫机场各点。
- Georgian official said they are likely to take up positions around the Georgian Parliament building in a symbolic defense of the building. 格鲁吉亚官员表示,这些军官可能将在格鲁吉亚议会大楼周围执勤,象征性的保卫这幢建筑物。
- Caption :The troops in Helmand will also seek to interdict opium shipments and persuade local farmers to plant alternative crops, such as wheat.Marines took up position inside a compound. 描述:进入赫尔曼德省的美军试图阻断当地的鸦片运输线,并劝说当地农民改种粮食作物,比如小麦。图为陆战队士兵在一个院子中待命。
- He took up a radical position on this issue. 他对这个问题抱着激进的态度。
- Lebanese soldiers took up positions in the village of Shebaa, near the disputed enclave known as Sheba Farms. 黎巴嫩士兵占领了位于大家都知道的飞地-萨巴阿农场附近的一个萨巴阿村庄.;这块土地据说为黎巴嫩所有,但是却被以色列占有。
- You're very unfit; you ought to take up running. 你身体很弱,应该练练跑步。
- Then Joshua and all Israel with him moved on from Lachish to Eglon; they took up positions against it and attacked it. 34约书亚和以色列众人从拉吉往伊矶伦去,对着伊矶伦安营,攻打这城。
- I mustn't take up your time in office hours. 在上班时侯,我不能占你的时间了。
- Then Joshua and all Israel with him moved on from Libnah to Lachish; he took up positions against it and attacked it. 约书亚和以色列众人从立拿往拉吉去,对著拉吉安营,攻打这城。
- She has almost nobody to take up for her. 她几乎没有人支持。
- More police with assault rifles and teargas guns took up positions on the other side of the crowd. 更多的警察使用突击步枪和催泪瓦斯枪控制了另一边的人群。
- We pushed him hard to take up science. 我们极力让他学习自然科学。
- He decided to take up journalism. 他决定操新闻业。
- I won't take up much of your time. 我不想多占用你的时间。