- This underlines the need for the international community to take urgent action to combat climate change. 这份报告强调了国际社会需要采取紧急行动来防止气候变化。
- Premier Wen Jiabao ordered all government departments Sunday to take urgent action to prepare for what he called an "increasingly grim situation. 中国总理温家宝星期天命令所有政府部门采取紧急行动,应对他所称的“越来越严峻的形势”。
- Police have been told to take urgent action to prevent organized gangs of football hooligans orchestrating rioting in racially sensitive areas. 警方被通知必须采取紧急行动防止有组织的足球流氓在种族敏感区域进行暴力活动。
- To date, more than 900 companies, have signed this joint proposal aiming to appeal to in politicians to take urgent action to protect climate. 迄今为止,已有超过900家公司在此倡议书中签字,共同呼吁政治家们采取紧急行动保护气候环境。
- Nutrition expert Rosemary Stanton said while Australia may not lead the world, it did need to take urgent action to address growing obesity and re-think failed health messages. 营养专家罗斯玛丽"斯汤顿说,虽然澳大利亚可能还不是世界上胖人最多的国家,但我们应该对不断增长的肥胖问题尽快采取行动,对以往失败的健康信息进行反思。
- take urgent action 采取紧急行动
- Man-made climate change is "unequivocal" and demands urgent action. 人类活动造成了气候变化,这点“勿庸置疑”,而且迫切需要采取行动。
- In order to enable the United Nations to take urgent military measures, Members shall hold immediately available national air-force contingents for combined international enforcement action. 为使联合国能采取紧急军事办法起见,会员国应将其本国空军部队为国际共同执行行动随时供给调遣。
- In a couple of decades most species will be wiped out unless urgent action is taken. 如果不采取紧急措施,几十年之后,大部分的信天翁种类都会灭绝。
- The president of Visayan Forum, Cecilia Flores Oebande, says urgent action must be taken to tackle the problem. 维萨扬论坛基金会的负责人欧本德说,必须采取紧急行动来打击这个贩卖孩子的问题。
- Although we have acheived some progress in treatment recently,it still need common efforts wordwide and to take urgent response actions. 尽管最近在治疗方面取得了一些成绩,仍然需要全球共同的努力,采取紧急应对行动。
- He said the international community must take urgent steps to resolve the matter to forestall a possible "cascade" of proliferation of nuclear weapons. 他表示,国际社会必须采取紧急措施解决这一问题,以防止可能发生的“一连串”核武器扩散。
- Faced with the committee's request for urgent action,the director was on the hook. 面临委员会要求紧急行动这一问题,厂长陷入了困境。
- He said the international community must take urgent ste to resolve the matter to forestall a po ible "cascade" of proliferation of nuclear weapo . 他表示,国际社会必须采取紧急措施解决这一问题,以防止可能发生的“一连串”核武器扩散。
- Additionally,I learned that managers must trust and act upon their intuition when a situation,calls for urgent action. 另外我也认识到,当形势要求紧急行动时,经营者必须相信并凭借他们的直觉采取行动。
- We need urgent action to conserve these breeds that are resistant to many diseases and pests. 我们需要采取紧急行动来保存这些能抗多种病虫的畜种。”
- About 15 minutes before your time is up, rebury issues that don't require urgent action. 在时间要结束前15分钟,将不需要采取紧急行动的问题重新“掩盖”。
- The statement seems to identify the main areas noted by commentators as requiring urgent action but is short on detail. 声明似乎与评论员们提到的主要领域相一致,但仍然缺乏细节。
- A report by the United Nations Environment Program says Africa faces severe environmental problems unless urgent action is taken. 一个由联合国环境署(united Nations Environment Program)起草的报告表示,除非采取紧急措施,否则非洲将面临严重的环境问题。
- Epidemics of Class I refer to those which cause serious damage to humans and animals and need to take urgent, rigorous measures to compulsorily prevent, bring under control or exterminate them. (一)一类疫病,是指对人畜危害严重、需要采取紧急、严厉的强制预防、控制、扑灭措施的;