- take your color fromvt. 仿效(摹仿; 照 ... 的样子行事)
- taken your color fromv. 仿效(摹仿; 照 ... 的样子行事)
- Ask the chemist for our product and take your pick from eight shades. 问那位化学家要我们的产品,你可以从8种深浅不同的颜色中挑选。
- took your color fromv. 仿效(摹仿; 照 ... 的样子行事)
- Take your hands away from the window. 把你的手从窗子上拿开。
- You can take your time to pay the debt you owe me. 你欠我的债可以慢慢还。
- Take your blood count first, please. 请先做一次血球计数。
- Take your places, please, we are about to start. 各位请入席,我们就要开始了。
- Take your hands off me, you filthy swine! 把你的手放开,别碰我,你这个坏蛋!
- Take your choice from among those books. 从那些书中,取走你所选择的。
- Take your thieving hands off my radio! 你那双贼手别碰我的收音机!
- Take your place for the next dance. 各就各位,准备跳下一只舞。
- I can't tell one color from another. 我不能分辨颜色。
- Be sensible and take your umbrella with you. 聪明些把伞带上。
- Decolorization : Removal of color from hair. 脱色:从头发取除颜色.
- Here are ten books in English, take your pick. 这里有十本英文书,你挑吧。
- Design and color from lilac to modena, balmy. 花色自淡紫色至深紫色,芳香。
- Take your foot off the clutch after changing gear. 换档之後,脚离离合器。
- Stand still while I take your photograph. 我给你拍照时,站著不要动。
- Take your time and don't gabble! 慢慢说,不要快得叫人听不清!