- taken his change out ofv. 对 ... 报复
- take his change out ofvt. 对 ... 报复
- took his change out ofv. 对 ... 报复
- He changed out of his overalls and into a suit . 他换下了工装裤,换上了一套西服。
- She rummaged some change out of her purse. 她从钱包里翻出了一些零钱。
- In fact, he took his poem out of a poetry book. 实际上,他们诗是从一本诗集里抄的。
- I have to change out of these dirty clothes. 我得脱换这身脏衣服。
- He took his hat and walked out of his office. 于是他鬼使神差地拾起了帽子,走出了办公室。
- He changed out of his overalls and into a suit. 他换下了工装裤,换上了一套西服。
- He changed out of his suit into jeans. 他脱下西装换成牛仔装。
- In fact,he took his poem out of a poetry book. 实际上,他们诗是从一本诗集里抄的。
- You need to change out of those wet things. 你该把那些湿衣服换掉。
- I got no change out of the operator. 我从接线员那里打听不到任何消息。
- George took his pens out of the pencil box. 乔治把他的笔从铅笔盒拿出来。
- You'll get no change out of this stone-hearted man. 你得不到这个铁石心肠的男人的帮助。
- Then he took his wallet out of his pocket. 然后他把他的钱包从他的口袋里拿出.
- Go and change out of those wet clothes into something dry. 去把那些湿衣服脱下来,换上干的。
- He took his time now, finally waddling out of the store. 这时他倒不慌不忙起来,最后摇摇晃晃地出了商店。
- Father must take his pill on the hour. 父亲必须在每点钟准点吃药丸。
- By next summer he'll have taken his final exams. 到明年夏天时,他将完成他的最后考试。