- Conclusion: Equinovarus and talipes cavus were fequently seen in this disease, osseous operation was better than soft tissu operation. 结论:本病多为内翻高弓足畸形,骨性手术效果优于软组织手术。
- Talipes cavus Secondary to Anterior Poliomyelitis 脊髓灰质炎后遗症高弓足第一跖骨下垂畸形
- paralytic talipes cavus 麻痹性弓形足
- talipes cavus 高弓足,弓形足
- Method: 12 cases were selected talipes. 方法:选自12例本病患者。
- Objective To investigate the treatment of cavus deformity of post foot. 目的:探讨烧、创伤后,足背瘢痕挛缩所致仰趾畸形的治疗。
- Novel external mini-frame for congenital talipes equinovarus in infants. 先天性;
- CONCLUSION: The new 3D external mini-frame shows favorable effects for congenital talipes equinovarus in infants. 结论:新微型足三维矫形外固定器治疗婴幼儿先天性马蹄内翻足效果良好。
- The sternum was malformation.The sacrospinal bifida and the talipes varus were found and the testes were not descended. 患儿双侧唇裂,严重腭裂,胸骨畸形,骶部脊柱裂,双侧睾丸未降,足内翻。
- Objective: To improve the therapeutic results of talipes equinovarus in children. 目的:为了提高儿童僵硬型马蹄内翻足的治疗效果。
- Result: Clinical features: Equinovarus and talies cavus deformity were frequently seen, some of them accompanied by pathological reflex, oseous deformity appeared earlier. 结果:特征:内翻高弓足畸形多见,可有病理反射,骨性畸形出现早。
- Objective To introduce a surgical treatment for muscular imbalance in congenital talipes equinovarus and its effects. 目的介绍一种解决先天性马蹄内翻足肌力不平衡的手术方法和效果。
- Abstract: Objective: To improve the therapeutic results of talipes equinovarus in children. 文摘:目的:为了提高儿童僵硬型马蹄内翻足的治疗效果。
- AIM: To evaluate the effect of reverse manipulation and serial long leg casting on congenital talipes equinovarus (GTE). 摘要目的:观察应用逆转手法按摩和系列石膏固定治疗先天性马蹄内翻足的疗效。
- OBJECTIVE: A new three-dimensional external mini-frame was designed to observe its therapentical effects for congenital talipes equinovarus in infants. 目的:设计一种新微型足三维矫形外固定器,观察其治疗婴幼儿先天性马蹄内翻足效果。
- Methods From 1989 to now, seventeen cases of paralytic talipes equinovarus were per-formed in a new surgical manner, which was designed by author. 方法从1989年至现在,由作者设计的新术式治疗17例麻痹性马蹄足内翻畸形。该术式是将前移的胫骨后肌腱缝合到腓骨长肌腱的远端。
- Due to he difference of muscle tension between front and back musculature in his curs after operation, in addition to the ache after wound, it will cause domical talipes eqainus. 结果它仿照机械手臂设计以实现空间位置的变换,具有空间内的可调性,装卸方便不需二次去除固定物。
- AIM:To investigate the methods and effects of early conservative treatment by giving rehabilitation direction of family maneuver remedy to children with congenital talipes equinovarus. 目的:通过给予先天性马蹄内翻足患儿家庭内手法矫正的康复指导,探讨对该症患儿行早期保守治疗的方法与效果。
- FREEDOM CaVus High Arch Half Soles 高弓足矫形垫
- Acquired cavus deformity of foot 获得性高弓足畸形