- Laura is a jolly girl; she laughs a lot. 劳拉是个开心的姑娘,她总是笑哈哈的。
- Many kinds of squirrels are easy to tame. 很多种类的松鼠都很容易驯养。
- I've got a tame mechanic who keeps my car in order. 我有个随和的汽车修理工,他把我的车保养得很好。
- We had a jolly time last weekend. 上周末我们过得很快活。
- He's going to be a jolly tough candidate to beat. 他会成为很难击败的候选人。
- It was a tame book and he soon fell asleep over it. 那是一本平淡无奇的书,不久他就趴在书上睡著了。
- Bill is too tame to stand up for his own rights. 比尔太没骨气,竟不敢起来维护自己的权利。
- Your mother is a jolly, easy-going woman. 你妈妈是个乐呵呵的容易相处的人。
- The reactor was built for tame atomic energy use. 这座反应堆是为原子能的安全使用而建造的。
- He can cook, and he does it jolly well. 他会做饭,并且做得特别好。
- Don't be afraid. These horses are tame. 不要怕。这些马很温顺。
- a tame jolly 民兵, 义勇兵
- tame jollyn. 义勇兵(义勇团丁)
- The boss will certainly be jolly angry. 老板肯定会大发脾气的。
- You'll have to jolly him along a bit, but he'll do a good job. 得哄著他点儿,他才好好干。
- This urge to take revenge is something that we have to tame. 这种复仇的冲动是我们必须抑制的。
- I quite enjoyed the book but found the ending rather tame. 我很爱看那本书,只是结尾颇觉乏味。
- The beast of burden is very tame. 这头牲口很温顺。
- He was big and hearty, a great beer drinker, a jolly companion on a pub crawl. 他高大,强健,喜好喝啤酒,是一位有趣的酒伙伴。
- They have had a jolly time of it. 他们痛痛快快地玩了一阵。