- Application of Variable Step-length Numerical Conversion Method in Load Distribution of Tandem Hot Strip Mill 变步长数值转换法在热连轧负荷分配中的应用
- tandem hot strip mill 带钢热连轧机
- Crop Shear Automatic Controlling of Hot Strip Mill in TISCO. 太钢热连轧飞剪自动控制。
- Application and effects of lubricating rolling technology in Hot Strip Mill of Meishan Iron and Steel Co. 润滑轧制在梅山热轧板厂的应用及效果。
- Analysis and realization of the variable rigidity AGC on the 1700mm hot strip mill at Benxi Iron and Steel Co. 本钢1700mm热连轧机变刚度分析与实现
- It has been proved that high Cr cast iron rolls are fit for fin ishing mill of 1549 hot strip mill of Tisco. 介绍了高铬轧辊化学成分和生产工艺,实际使用证明高铬轧辊适合太钢1549热连轧精轧机组。
- The laminar flow cooling system and its mathematical model used at the Hot Strip Mill of Panzhihua Iron and Steel Co. 简介了攀钢热轧板厂层流冷却装置及数学模型,指出该层冷模型是比较实用的,且工作正常。
- Tension control of coiler for hot strip mill is the core of strip coiler control. 热连轧卷取机的张力控制是带钢卷取控制的核心,如何提高带钢卷形合格率一直是热连轧工序研究的课题。
- This paper introduces a strip laminar cooling process simulation software for the hot strip mill. 摘要以热乳厂板带乳后的冷却过程为背景,开发层流冷却仿真系统。
- The roll wear model for 1700 hot strip mill (HSM) was studied and the influencing factors on roll wear were analyzed. 以国内某1700热连轧机为对象,研究了轧辊磨损模型,分析了影响轧辊磨损的各种因素。
- CVC(continuously variable crown) roll wear model for 1700 hot strip mill was researched and the factors affecting roll wear were analyzed. 研究了国内某厂1700热连轧机CVC轧辊磨损模型,分析了影响轧辊磨损的各种因素。
- The methods of hot coilbox bending rolls control are discussed,then test in Laiwu continuous hot strip mill and obtain is satisfied effectly. 介绍了热卷箱弯曲辊的速度控制和位置控制的方法,并在山东莱芜钢厂经过实际应用检验,取得了良好的控制效果。
- A neural network multivariable simple adaptive control(NNMSAC) is proposed, disposing of decoupling control with looper system in hot strip mill. 针对现代带钢热连轧中活套系统的解耦控制问题,提出了基于神经网络简单自适应多变量解耦控制方法(NNMSAC)。
- Then, the paper presents an analysis ofthe moment of inertia of coiler in hot strip mill in detail, the equation of the inertia moment and theanalysis. 接着分析了卷筒的惯性力矩,建立了卷筒张力控制的数学模型,推导了惯性力矩的理论表达式。
- In a hot strip mill,runout table cooling is the most critical factor to determine final mechanical properties of product it makes.It is ... 在热连轧的过程模拟中,层流冷却是决定产品最终力学性能的最关键过程。
- In this thesis,it has been introduced the question of new down coiler pinch roll in the Pangang Hot Strip Mill,it has been introduced the way to conquer it. 介绍了攀钢热轧板厂地下卷取机夹送辊在生产过程中出现的问题并提出了相应的整改措施并对其稳定性进行了分析。
- This paper mainly discusses how the system used in Angang 1700 hot strip mill down-coiler.And it also shows the principle of down-coiler tension control. 本文论述了该控制系统在鞍钢1700热轧线卷取机上的应用,以及卷取机张力控制原理。
- The application of high Ni-Cr infinite cold hardness cast iron roll toanterior stands of finishing mill after revamp is introduced in 1 549 hot strip mill of TISCO. 介绍了太钢1549热连轧改造后高镍铬无限冷硬铸铁轧辊在精轧前段的使用情况,特别是在不锈钢生产中取得了成功应用。