- tangential chest wall field 胸壁切线野
- Tangential chest wall irradiation 胸壁切线照射
- Instead, apply warm compresses to the neck, chest wall and groin. 应该使用热的敷布敷在患者的胸部与腹股沟部。
- Diffuse crepitus of the arm, extending to the left chest wall, was noted. 弥漫性的捻发音从胳膊延伸至左侧胸壁。
- Note the overlying skin and adipose tissue at the upper left with the chest wall below the implant and to the right. 值得注意的是左上方是叠压的皮肤与脂肪组织,在植入物之下靠右边的是胸壁。
- The characteristics on CT were summarized about lung,mediastinum and chest wall. 结合临床 ,总结肺、纵隔及胸壁 ct的影像学特征。
- Assess client's respiratory character, observing symmetry and degree of chest wall abdominal movement. 评估病人呼吸特征,观察胸壁腹部移动对称性及程度。
- Nerve centres in the brain regulate the movements of muscles of respiration (diaphragm and chest wall muscles). 脑中的神经中枢控制呼吸肌肉的运动(膈和胸壁肌肉)。
- Physical examination showed bilateral subcutaneous emphysema over face, neck and anterior chest wall. 理学检查发现双侧皮下气肿在脸部、头部及前胸壁。
- Abstract: Objective Explore the reason for recurrence of breast cancer onthe chest wall after mastectomy. 文摘:目的探讨乳腺癌术后胸壁局部复发因素及预后意义。
- Results Among 15 cases, 10 cases were located in neck, 2 in posterior chest wall,2 in mesentery, 1 in spleen. 结果15例淋巴管瘤,其中颈部10例、后胸壁2例、肠系膜2例、脾脏1例。
- Fine-needle aspiration and echo-guided biopsy of the chest wall mass revealed a plasmacytoma. 对胸壁肿瘤施行细针抽吸及超音波导引穿刺术的组织病理报告为骨髓外浆细胞瘤。
- Objective:To study the influntial factors in thyroidectomy with laparoscope via chest wall. 目的:探讨影响腔镜甲状腺切除术成功施行的因素。
- A e client's re iratory character, o erving symmetry and degree of chest wall abdominal movement. 评估病人呼吸特征,观察胸壁腹部移动对称性及程度。
- In the condition of extensive chest wall malacia,the fixation of chest wall was also essential. 结论:连枷胸的治疗重点是针对肺挫伤进行综合治疗。
- Chest wall compliance should be considered in the assessment of plateau pressure(Grade 1C). 评估平台压时应考虑胸壁顺应性(级别1C)。
- Now place the head of the transducer against the chest wall at the level of the PMI. 然后把探头放在最高心跳强度点,的平面位置的胸壁上。
- Contusions and hematomas of the chest wall should alert the doctor to the possibility of occult injury. 明确有胸壁血肿和胸壁挫伤情况下需警惕存在潜在胸部创伤的可能。
- The parietal pleura lines the inner chest wall and the visceral pleura encases the lungs. 壁层胸膜在胸壁内部,脏层胸膜包裹肺脏。
- Two different kinds of playing fields may be used. These are referred to as: "version A" (walled field) and "version B" (open field). 以下两种比赛场地都可以使用,一种是“有围墙的A类场地”,一种是“无围墙的B类场地”。