- tank combat formation 坦克战斗队形
- In the combat formation, we can recognize soldiers of different classes, types and ethnic origin. 从陶俑群塑的军阵中,我们不仅看到不同等级、兵种、不同民族的秦代将士的形象,
- The chariots, horses and soldiers were imitations of real ones, and they were arranged o stand in a combat formation. 它摹拟真人真车真马,制成群塑,再按军卫序列排编成行
- The terracotta warriors were arranged in a big, orderly arrayed combat formation. 这是一个排列有序的大型的军事方阵
- Fuelled by the combustion of indignation and patriotism, you fearlessly positioned your combat formation to face off your fierce rivals wherever they charged. 雄雄爱国热情点燃你们心中的怒火。你们无所畏惧,至无论他们在那里,你们都将自己身于最凶猛的对手面前。
- Are combat formations available for teams? Yes, both on the ground and in the air. 战争编队是否有用?是的,地面与空中同样有用。
- Research on Simulation Experiment of Single Tank Combat 坦克单车对抗仿真试验研究
- antiaircraft artillery combat formation 高炮战斗队形
- He is siphoning out petrol from a tank. 他在从油罐里吸出汽油。
- This will help decrease the backlog of officers who need to attend and will begin to correct the equal distribution of ILE graduates across our combat formations and institutional Army. 这将有助于减少需要参加的军官的积压,并将开始纠正在我们整个作战编制和机构军队范围内的这种均等分配接受中等培训的毕业军官的情形。
- I need a funnel to pour petrol into the tank. 我需要一个漏斗把汽油灌进油箱。
- Please run off the water from the tank. 请把桶里的水放出。
- He has filled up the tank with petrol. 他已给油箱装满汽油。
- He is an expert in unarmed combat. 他是徒手格斗的能手。
- Is there any water left in the water tank? 水箱里还有水剩下吗?
- The gas is stored under pressure in the tank. 该气体在压缩状态下贮存于罐中。
- He resolved to combat with his bad habits. 他决意与自己的坏习惯搏斗。
- He fed the storage tank with gasoline. 他往储油罐里加满汽油。
- Drastic measures were taken to combat inflation. 已采取激烈措施对付通货膨胀。
- Every apartment house has a water tank on its roof. 每栋公寓房子都有一个水塔。