- Snowflakes were patting against the window. 雪花轻轻拍打着窗户。
- Outside the window, the wind was whistling and blowing against the bamboo screen , so that it tapped against the glass. 风在窗外呼啸。风又吹那窗前的竹帘子,拍拍地打着窗。
- The child pressed her nose against the window. 那小女孩把鼻子贴在窗户上。
- Hailstones beat against the window. 冰雹落在窗户上。
- The heavy rain slashed against the window. 大雨猛打窗户。
- A desk stood against the window. 靠窗放着一张桌子。
- Branches thrashed against the window. 树枝拍打着窗户。
- I saw a butterfly graze against the window. 我看到一只蝴蝶擦着窗飞过去。
- The rain pelted against the window. 雨猛烈地打在窗子上。
- The rain beat against the windows. 雨水拍打在窗户上。
- The rain splashed against the window. 雨水劈啪劈啪地打在窗子上。
- The ball hit against the window. 球撞在窗子上。
- He squashed his nose against the window. 他趴在窗户上,把鼻子都挤扁了。
- The branch of the tree scraped against the window . 树枝擦着了窗户。
- The rain slashed against the window . 雨水猛烈地拍打着窗户。
- Branches thrashed against the window . 树枝抽打着窗户。
- He set up a ladder against the window. 他把梯子靠在窗户上竖了起来。
- Rain pattered against the window. 雨点啪哒啪哒地敲击着窗子。
- The shutters went flip-flop against the window. 百叶窗撞在窗户上发出啪嗒啪嗒的响声。
- The tree branch is rubbing against the window. 树枝拂着窗子。