- What keywords are meaningful to that target group? 而哪些关键词能够吸引目标受众呢?
- Her target group is female undergraduate and postgraduate studends! 她的目标人群是本科或者研究生的女生!
- Target group: Adults and Teenagers who are interested in Weiqi. 招生对象:成人及青年学生对围棋有兴趣者。
- If the staff is not from any special target group, please fill N/A. 如没有任何特定目标对象,请填N/A。
- LCS Training offers the right training programme for each target group. 终身服务训练针对每个不同的客户制定各不相同的培训程序。
- A review of the campaign target group and domain in various annual campaigns reveals another trend of role expansion. 回顾不同年代讲华语运动所针对的对象及场所,也可以看出它逐渐在另一方面扩大角色。
- Target Group: This course is designed for candidates involved in selling products and services. 培训对象:是为那些销售产品和服务的人士而设计的。
- Designing of different scenes storyto ,attract the target group and resonate them. 设计不同情景的故事,来吸引目标群体,引起共鸣。
- It would be difficult to explain or justify the proposed division and selection of a legal aid target group in this manner. 因此,难有充分理据支持或解释按职业来界定和甄别法律援助的服务对象的建议。
- For advice on how to create your target group from the Kompass Database, please contact the local Kompass publisher or Kompass International. 关于从康帕斯数据库里创建您的目标群的建议,请联系您当地康帕斯机构或国际康帕斯组织。
- Target Group: This course is intended for those who need a general understanding of the business environment, business functions and activities. 培训对象:需要对企业环境,企业职能及企业活动有总体理解的人士。
- Direct government spending on well-defined target groups is also justified. 对精心确定了补贴对象的政府直接开支也是无可非议的。
- The individual website that person property lacks, should amass a dominant position more, main attack some passes the target group after fractionize. 人财物都缺少的个人网站,更应该集中优势,主攻某一经过细分后的目标群体。
- The result is only: The energy with much expenditure goes chickening ribs newlier bring a few caller that are not target group. 结果只是:花费大量的精力去更新鸡肋带来一些并非目标群体的访客。
- Target Group :Including 62 CSWs.Most female CSWs came from peripheral cities and villages in Anyue like Suining, Neijiang, Tongnan, Lezhi and Ziyang. 目标人群:62名女性性工作者.;主要来自遂宁;内江;潼南;乐至;资阳等周边城市及农村
- Georg: Our target group, are besides the existing channel of wholesalers &manufactures, top-notch sites such as residential resorts, etc. 我们的客户主要是批发商,制造商和终端客户如房地产商。
- Its target group is youth between 18 and 35 years old who have the potential to start their own businesses but have little experiences or no access to seed money. 该项目的对象是年龄介于18至35岁、有创业潜力但缺乏资金和经验的创业青年。
- Target Group: This is an advanced course designed for those who are working, or intend to work, in an environment where customer service is seen as a competitive advantage. 培训对象:适合从事接待,医务,销售,旅游,收银,航班乘务,宾馆服务,行政服务,行政管理等工作的人士。客户服务一线人员。
- Target Group: This is an introductory course suitable for those who want a basic knowledge of the fundamental principles, theories, and concepts upon which marketing is based. 培训对象:是一门基础课程,适合需要了解市场营销基础知识,基本原理和理论的人士。
- First of all, the target group is selected and the experiment is elaborated for the researcher to enter the field and begin the observation and recording process. 首先,目标团体被挑选出来而实验也被精心设计,如此可提供研究者进入场域观察的基础,并且开始观察与纪录的过程。