- He won't hit the target at that distance. 他打不中那样远的目标的。
- the axis distance between the top member and the bottom member 上下弦轴心距离
- The axis of a circle is its diameter. 圆的轴线是其直径。
- The torpedo homed in on its target. 鱼雷射向目标。
- Does the earth rotate on an axis? 地球是绕轴旋转的吗?
- A wheel revolves round/on its axis. 轮子是绕轴旋转的。
- The distance aimed in front of a moving target. 瞄准的距离与被瞄准的移动目标之间的距离
- The distance between the center of an eccentric and its axis. 偏心距偏心圆的中心与圆轴间的距离
- Having or mounted on a common axis. 同轴的有或装上共同轴的
- The company has met their export target. 该公司已经实现了它们的出口目标。
- What is the distance of the target in women's. 女子比赛项目,靶的距离是多少?
- A stationary target is easiest to aim at. 静止的目标是最容易瞄准的。
- He shot an arrow, but it fell short of the target. 他射了一箭,但没有射中靶。
- Next to or facing the main stem or axis. 近茎轴一侧的紧挨着主茎或轴的,面向主茎或轴的
- Shots were fired at the enemy target. 有人向敌军目标开枪。
- To determine the distance of(a target). 确定射程测定(目标等)的距离
- You missed the target by a mile/by miles. 你远未中的。
- He fired several shots (at the target). 他向目标射出了几发子弹。
- Distance between hob axis and clamping area table max. 滚刀轴到夹紧工作台最大距离。
- I aimed at the target but hit the wall. 我瞄准了靶射击,但却打在了墙上。