- task control call 任务控制调用
- Typically user code would reside in separate files and just the Task Control Blocks (TCB) would be imported into the top level file. 典型的用户代码应该放在单独的文件中,仅仅任务控制块(TCB)需要导入到顶层文件中。
- The classification of multi task control, scheduling algorithm and communicating mechanism in OS/2 system is analyzed profoundly. 剖析了OS/2中的多任务类型、控制方式、调度策略及通信机制。
- This is Mission Control calling the space shuttle Discovery. 这是地面指挥中心呼叫航天飞机“发现号”。
- The ObjectDataSource control calls its update method, passing the changes as parameters to the method call. ObjectDataSource控件调用其更新方法,并将更改作为参数传递给方法调用。
- The D channel carries signaling messages, such as call setup and teardown, to control calls on B channels. 通道所运送的是传讯讯息,例如是用来控制B通道传呼的呼叫建立与解除。
- The job scheduler function which selects jobs and job steps to be executed, allocates input/output devices for them, places them under task control, and at completion of the job, supplies control information for writing job output on a system output unit. 作业调度程序中的一种操作程序,选取要执行的作业和作业步、为它们分配输入输出设备、将它们置于任务控制程序的控制之下、并在作业完成时提供控制信息,以便在系统输出设备上写作业输出结果。
- In order to solve the task control problems existing in the knowledgeable manufacturing cell (KMC) with multi-agent and multi-workpiece, a new matrix-automaton is proposed to model the KMC. 为了解决多Agent(智能体)多工件的知识化制造单元的任务控制问题,提出一种新的矩阵自动机模型对知识化制造单元进行建模。
- The author issues a method of statically initializing task control blocks, and a method of sharing on-chip memory dynamically, in order to save the insufficient resource on micro-controllers. 作者提出了一种任务控制块静态初始化的方法,和一种动态分配片内存储空间的方法,来解决单片机资源紧张的问题。
- Agricultural tractors and machinery - Interfaces for signal transfer - Part 5: Data transfer to the management-information-system, task controlling. 摘要:农业机械和拖拉机。信号传送接口。第5部分:管理信息系统、任务处理的数据传送。
- The child control calls this method before generating any keyboard events for the message. 在为消息生成任何键盘事件之前,子控件会调用该方法。
- Control calls this method from several other places, and often passes in a different error message value. 控件会从其他几个地方调用此方法,并且通常会传入一个不同的错误信息值。
- Uses the Left function to display the first character of the value of a field or control called ProductName. 使用Left函数显示称为“产品名称”的字段或控件的值的第一个字符。
- You write methods in the Ribbon class, and a control calls the method that has the same name as the attribute value. 您可以在功能区类中编写方法,控件便可以调用与属性值名称相同的方法。
- He had only an imperfect understanding of his task. 他对自己的任务只是一知半解。
- Software such as a PBX application for the corporate communications environment;Automatic Call Distribution for the call center environment;and Computer Telephony Integration,which controls call routing and data integration. 软件,如在公司通信环境中用的专用交换机(PBX)应用程序,电话局环境中用的自动通话分配,以及控制通话路由和数据集成的计算机电话集成(CTI)。
- A part of this urgent task was allotted to us. 这项紧急任务的一部分分给了我们。
- Pocket TaskVision uses a custom list control called TaskListControl that displays several lines of information in each row and only scrolls vertically (Figure 4). Pocket TaskVision则使用一个名为TaskListControl的自定义列表控件,该控件在每行中显示几行信息,而且只是垂直滚动(图4)。
- He decided to go all out to fulfil the task. 他决心全力以赴地去完成任务。
- I must fulfil my task by some means or other. 我总得想个办法完成任务。