- tax avoidance issue 避税问题
- I have to say I disapprove of tax avoidance. 我得说我不赞成逃税。
- I have to say I disapprove of tax avoidance . 我得说我不赞成逃税。
- Measures are taken to prevent tax avoidance by the higher-paid. 采取了一些措施来防止高薪阶层的逃税。
- Enterprise tax avoidance and government countermeasure II. 企业避税与政府对策2。
- The difference between tax avoidance and tax evasion is the thickness of a prison wall. 合法避税与偷税的区别是牢墙之隔而已。
- Transactions with tax havens and tax avoidance or evasion schemes involving tax havens are identified. 与避税港的交易以及涉及避税港的偷逃税计划可以确认;
- As an important method to tax avoidance design,transferring price-making can be operated practically. 转移定价作为避税筹划的一种重要方法,具有较强的操作性。
- The theory of stakeholders provides us a good framework to analysis the motivation and cost of tax avoidance. 利益相关者理论为我们研究企业避税动机及避税成本提供了一个较好的分析框架。
- The US government is to crack down on a controversial tax avoidance scheme believed to be worth hundreds of millions of dollars a year to US and foreign financial groups. 美国政府将打击一种有争议的避税安排。据信,这种安排每年可让美国和外国的金融机构避税数亿美元。
- The inspiration from the theory of modern capital structure is that indebtedness can bring tax avoidance and income from financial leverage to electric enterprises. 摘要通过分析现代资本结构理论,得到了负债经营可为电力企业带来避税效应和财务杠杆利益的启示。
- Transnational taxpayers to seek maximum benefits, using the tax system differences, using formal and legitimate ways to evade tax collectors, is international tax avoidance. 跨国纳税人为了追求利益最大化,利用各国税收制度的差异,采用形式上合法的方式来逃避税收征管,即为国际避税。
- International Tax Avoidance(ITA) not only does harm to the taxation of the nations involved but also causes chaos to the order of international capital circulation. 国际避税不仅损害有关国家的税收利益,而且会引起国际资金流通秩序的混乱,危害很大。
- Taking an application of an group enterprise as an example,this text shows the important meaning and main method of using transferring price-making as tax avoidance design. 本文以某集团企业内部运用为案例,研究了转移定价作为避税筹划的重要意义和主要方法。
- With pg_last_notice(), you can avoid issuing useless queries, by checking whether the notice is related to the transaction or not. 有了pg_last_notice(),只要检查公告是否和该事务有关,就可以避免提交无用的查询。
- "One of the arguments for deposit insurance is that it prevents bank runs and helps governments avoid issuing blanket [depositor] guarantees. “一个论点存款保险制度是,它可以防止银行挤提,并帮助政府避免发行毯[存款]保障。
- Tax avoidance The legal minimization of taxes due government by application of tax planning devices. 使用避税计划手段算出的应付政府的合法最低税额。
- Most companies incorporated in Hong Kong are for commercial use within the territory so Hong Kong offshore companies are not generally regarded as tax avoidance vehicles by other countries authorities. 大部分公司成立于香港是因国际商业运作,所以一般国家税局通常不认为香港离岸公司是避税手段,不宜作税务调整。
- Two of the 14 Field Audit sections concentrate on tackling tax avoidance schemes, whereas other investigation officers and field auditors handle avoidance cases on an operational need basis. 14组实地审核人员中,其中两组专责审查避税个案。因应实际需要,其他调查及实地审核人员亦会参与审查避税个案的工作。
- Two of the 14 Field Audit sections concentrate on tackling tax avoidance schemes, whereas other investigation officers and tax auditors handle avoidance cases on an operational needs basis. 14组实地审核人员中,其中两组专责审查避税个案。因应实际需要,其他调查及审核人员亦会参与审查避税个案的工作。