- The governor came out in favor of tax breaks. 这位政府官员公开宣布赞成停止征税
- Tax breaks were created to help the auto industry. 这些减税优惠是用来帮助汽车业。
- The governer came out in favor of tax breaks. 这位政府官员公开宣称支持这项。
- A tax break for charitable contributions. 为慈善赠品提供的优惠税额
- In return, the adoption can enjoy tax breaks. 作为回报,认养者可以享受税收减免。
- One is the tax break on overtime. 一个是对超时工作的减税。
- There are tax breaks for businesses that locate in rural areas. 在农村地区创办企业享有税收减免。
- Tax breaks intended as an inducement to greater reinvestment. 削减税收以吸引更多的再投资
- Companies that employ them can also qualify for loans and earn tax breaks. 聘用他们的公司也可以有资格获得贷款和税收优惠。
- Russia is enacting tax breaks that many hope will lift stagnant oil production. 俄罗斯已实施了减税政策,许多人预计此举将拉动停滞不前的石油产量。
- He insisted that Mr Baucus drop any attempt to cap this tax break. 他坚持认为鲍卡斯放弃所有试图为税收优惠设置上限的努力。
- The senators are not suggesting repealing the tax break. 议员不建议撤销这种减税优惠。
- The surprise announcement also includes tax breaks for much of the Detroit Riverfront. 的还包括减税的大部分底特律滨河。
- It has increased fines for pollution, reduced subsidies on fuels and scrapped tax breaks for heavy industry. 中国已经将污染罚款提高,减少能源补助,并取消对重工业的税收优惠。
- UNKNOWN: Should companies receive tax breaks for offering telecommuting-only employment? 雇主应该监控员工在工作地点使用互联网吗?
- The related drop in revenues is to be offset by changes in the rules governing tax breaks. 税收上的相关调整就和税务管理制度上的相关休息相互抵消了。
- They are most able to save, and reap the greatest rewards from tax breaks for saving and buying houses. 他们是最有能力储蓄的人,并能从储蓄和购房的退税中获得最大的回报。
- Manufacturers, labor unions, bankers and others have sought government assistance in many forms, from tax breaks to outright subsidies. 工厂、工会、银行和其他部门都曾得到过政府的各种形式的帮助,从减免税收到直接补贴。
- They will enjoy preferential tax breaks and will have to follow the guiding prices of the government in their medical service. 享受税收优惠政策,医疗服务执行政府指导价格;
- Tax Breaks: Interest paid to a credit card is money down the drain. Interest paid to a mortgage can be used as a tax write-off. 减税:支付给信用卡的利息是血本无归的,而支付给贷款的利息可以用于税务注销.