- Tax credit on domestic breeding stocks and genetic materials b. 菲律宾本土的牲畜和基因材料的税收抵免。
- Tax sparing credit is the extension and attachment of Tax Credit Law. 税收饶让抵免作为税收抵免法的延伸和附加;其作用和意义不在于避免国际重复征税.
- This tax credit is available to all members of health insurance schemes. 这项税款扣抵额适用于所有投保健康保险者。
- He proposes tax credits for buying homes and vehicles that save energy and pollute less. 他建议应该对购买节能环保房屋和汽车的人进行税收抵免。
- In fact, Rep.Cantor now advocates taking unspent stimulus money and redirecting it toward job-creation tax credits. 实际上,坎特现在主张把没有花出去的刺激资金转投向创造就业岗位的 税收额度上。
- With that market vaporized, Washington can increase tax credits all it wants, but the policy will have little effect. 当这个市场消失后,华盛顿可以按它的想法增加税收,不过政策没有太大的作用。
- The FHA's latest plan for $8,000 up-front tax credits is just more of the old insanity. 联邦住房管理局(FHA)提供8,000美元预付抵税额的最新计划只是在过去不理智行为的基础上又前进了一步。
- The tax credit is an imputation based on the fact that corporation tax has been paid. 税收抵免是以已经交纳的公司税为基础的一种估算制度。
- Research and Development tax credits will also be utilised to support businesses with high potential to become major innovative firms of the future. 还将对研究和开发活动予以税收优惠以支持那些具有高潜力的企业,使它们能够成为未来的主要创新性企业。
- Analysts believe the introduction of tax credits to the benefit system since 1999 has dissuaded many from marrying, as they favour single mothers. 分析人士认为,从1999年开始实行的税款抵免福利制度使很多人不愿结婚,这一政策对单身妈妈最为有利。
- Obama would use that extra money on tax credits for students, homeowners, and he'd eliminate income tax for seniors making less than $50,000. 奥巴马会用这些额外的钱给学生和房屋所有者退税,而且他会免除收入%2450,000以下老年人的收入税。
- Spokesman Lucio Guerrero said the governor plans to sign a bill Monday that provides tax credits to filmmakers in Illinois. 发言人说,卢西奥格雷罗州州长计划签署一项法案星期一,提供税收抵免,以制片人在伊利诺伊州。
- Should Input Tax Credited be Paid back when Inventory Losses Occur? 企业发生存货盘亏,相应已抵扣的进项税额是否要转出?
- Grosser notes that the stimulus is broader than smart grids and that its tax credits also help promote alternative energy. 格罗斯尔注意到,刺激计划的范围远远超过智能电网,其中的税收直接抵免政策有助于替代能源的发展。
- The stimulus package created a mechanism for renewable energy innovators to bypass Wall Street and monetize their tax credits directly through the U.S. 刺激方案为可再生能源的革新者建立了一套机制,不再取道华尔街,而是直接通过美国财政部将退税套现。
- Third, Congress should extend renewable power tax credits to spur the development of alternative sources of energy like wind and solar. 再次,国会应该推进可更新能源的税收抵免,以刺激可替代能源如风能和太阳能的发展。
- The extension of the tax credits is extremely important to the industry, as it helps builders get financing for the plants, added Metz. 他认为,税收优惠政策的延期对整个行业极端重要,因为这样做可以帮助生产商获得融资。
- Abstract: In the world of modern tax system, international tax on tax credits and tax sparing is a very worthy of study. 摘要:在世界现代税收制度中,在国际税收方面,关于税收抵免和税收饶让是一个很值得研究的问题。
- The act contains "Hope Scholarship Tax Credits","Lifetime Learning Tax Credit",Education Savings Plans,loans interest deduction and so on. 《1997年纳税人救助法》主要包括了“希望奖学金”课税扣除、“终身学习”课税扣除、教育储蓄计划、贷学金利息扣除等内容;