- To understand why these interest payments don't qualify as tax deductable lets look at what is considered a tax deductable interest payment. 明白这些利息不符合免税让给看看何谓利息免税。
- Moreover, the interest on a home equity loan is tax deductible. 此外,在家用股本贷款利息免税。
- My smelly soccer shoes are tax deductible? 我的臭鞋可以抵税?
- None of our expenses are tax deductible. 我们的开支没有一项是扣税的。
- Donation over HK$100 are tax deductible. 捐款港币100元以上可申请扣税。
- It is not the bank's policy to deduct interest on withdrawal. 提款需扣除利息这并非是本银行的政策。
- Your donation is tax deductible. 你的捐助是可以扣税的。
- It is not the bank rs policy to deduct interest on withdrawals. 提款需扣除利息这并非是本银行的政策。
- It is not the bank's policy to deduct interest on withdrawals. 提款需扣除利息这并非是本银行的政策。
- Also, interest paid on bonds is a tax deductible business expense for the corporation. 另外,债券的利息属于公司的营业开支,可以减税。
- Is interest paid on loan for acquisition of a dwelling situated overseas tax deductible? 为购买海外的住宅而缴付的贷款利息是否可在计算税项时获得扣除?
- Donations to charities exempt from tax may be tax deductible. 捐款予免税慈善团体可获税项?减。
- End the tax deductibility of interest. 结束税收利息的可推断性。
- Dividends paid to stockholders are not tax deductible. 而支付给股东的股息不能从应税所得中减除。
- This donation is tax deductible with an official receipt. 是项捐赀可凭正式收据申请扣减税项。
- All donations of HK$100 or above are Hong Kong tax deductible. 捐款100元或以上可凭正式收据申请香港免税。
- Donations of HK$100 or above are tax deductible with a receipt. 捐款港币%24100或以上者,可凭收据申请免税。
- A donation of HK$100 or above is tax deductible with a receipt. 捐款100港元以上可凭收据申请减扣税项。
- Since interest payments are tax deductible, but dividends are not, some borrowing makes a balance-sheet more efficient. 因为缴税时利息属可扣除项目,但股息不是,因此适量的借款会让企业运营地更有效率。
- Unlike the treatment of interest on bonds, dividends paid to shareholders are not a tax deductible business expense for the corporation. 付给股东的红利不同于债券的利息,不能作为公司营业支出而减税。