- The administration is studying the recommendations and will work out implementation plans in consultation with the taxi trade. 当局正研究这些建议,并会在咨询的士业的意见后,制定实施建议的计划。
- The Transport Department is ready to work in this direction in partnership with the taxi trade. 运输署将会朝这个方向与的士业有紧密的合作。
- TAC will also meet taxi trade representatives to foster direct communication and listen to their views. 交谘会亦会约见的士业界代表,与他们直接沟通,听取意见。
- Mr Footman acknowledged that the income of taxi trade had decreased significantly from since1997 owing to the economic downturn and the fragile consumer sentiment of the public. 霍文明白到由于经济下滑和市民消费意欲持续下降,的士业的收入自一九九七年起至今已经减少不少。
- Mr Footman acknowledged that the income of taxi trade had decreased significantly from since 1997 owing to the economic downturn and the fragile consumer sentiment of the public. 霍文明白到由于经济下滑和市民消费意欲持续下降,的士业的收入自一九九七年起至今已经减少不少。
- Our experience of working with the taxi trade,motor trade and fuel companies on a pilot scheme shows that it is feasible to convert the taxi fleet from diesel to liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) fuel. 我们曾联同的士业、汽车业和燃料公司进行试验计划,并已证实的士不用柴油而改用石油气的可行性。
- In the past one and half-year, the Steering Committee, with the support of the taxi trade and Transport Department, has successfully implemented a series of quality taxi services projects. 在过去一年多的时间内,优质的士服务督导委员会,在运输署及各的士团体的大力支持下,已成功推行一系列的优质的士服务计划。
- To strengthen communication between the government and the taxi trade, Transport Department has taken up the co-ordinating role in publishing a quarterly taxi newsletter since early 2000. 为了加强的士业界与政府之间的沟通,由2000年年初起,运输署的统筹下出版了一份的士服务通讯季刊。
- Our experience of working with the taxi trade, motor trade and fuel companies on a pilot scheme shows that it is feasible to convert the taxi fleet from diesel to liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) fuel. 我们曾联同的士业、汽车业和燃料公司进行试验计划,并已证实的士不用柴油而改用石油气的可行性。
- The Commissioner for Transport, Mr Robert Footman, appealed to members of the taxi trade to keep up their good work and join hands with the Transport Department to improve the operating environment of the taxi trade. 运输署署长霍文呼吁的士业界继续提供优质服务,并与该署携手共同改善的士业经营环境。
- The concessionary fare scheme is a self-initiated move by the NT taxi trade to enhance the competitiveness of NT taxis and to attract more business. 这是新界的士业为提高其竞争力和增加生意额而自行发起的措施。
- How long does it take to go to the airport by taxi? 坐出租汽车去飞机场要多长时间?
- He is delayed because his taxi has an accident. 由于他的出租车出了故障,他被耽误了。
- As soon as I get through custom I jump into a taxi. 我一通过海关就跳进了一辆计程车。
- He waved down a taxi and quickly got inside. 他扬手叫住一辆出租汽车,一下子钻了进去。
- We're going to be late; let's get a taxi. 我们要迟到了,坐计程车吧。
- The taxi sped off at full speed. 那辆出租车飞快地开走了。
- See if you can wave down a taxi. 你挥手,看看能否让出租车停下。
- Qidong Hengtong Taxi Co., Ltd registered 12180000 Yuan is the branch company of China Hongtong Electrical Apparatus Group. It owns 136 taxis and becomes one of the taxi trade main forces. 启东恒通出租汽车有限公司是中国恒通电气集团的子公司之一,注册资本1218万元,拥有桑塔纳出租车136辆,是启东出租车行业的主力军之一。
- All its stock in trade is glossy paper backs. 该店的全部现货是光面的平装书。