- Can I have my name cut on this jade piece in Chinese characters? 可以把我名字以汉字的形式刻在这块玉石上吗?
- How do you say my name Neville in Chinese characters, Jack? 怎么用中文说我的名字内维尔, 杰克?
- There was an inscription in Chinese characters over the arch. 牌楼上有汉字题字。
- teaching in Chinese characters 汉字教学
- Please fill this form in Chinese Character! 请用中文汉字填写!
- How could Chinese Characters be Quickly Mastered by Minority Nationality Students in Chinese Teaching? 汉字在新疆民族大学生汉语教学中的活学巧记?
- The bell bears an inscription in Chinese characters. 那只钟上有汉字题词。
- Knowing their reasons and rules is the key to the improvement of Chinese characters' teaching in TCSL, that is, Chinese characters are the combination of structure, sound and meaning. 汉字的理据就是汉字的字式结构的道理和根据,体现了汉字形音义三者相互联系的内在规律。
- The language used for printing invoices shall be in Chinese characters. 印制发票使用的文字,应当为中文。
- Contractions of the words written in Chinese characters are abundant in Korean. 摘要韩国语词汇中汉字词的比例高达70%25,汉字词缩略语也大量使用。
- Rather,all teaching materials for Chinese language classes conducted in the first four years of the primary education should be in Chinese characters,accompanied with pinyin below to help students pronounce those words. 相反的,在小一至小四的阶段,全国的华文教科书及读物,都应在汉字底下加上拼音辅导助阅读。
- I've been teaching in China these three years. 三年来我一直在中国大陆教书。
- He augments his income by teaching in the evenings. 他晚上去教书以增加收入。
- Rather, all teaching materials for Chinese language classes conducted in the first four years of the primary education should be in Chinese characters, accompanied with pinyin below to help students pronounce those words. 在小一至小四的阶段,全国的华文教科书及读物,都应在汉字底下加上拼音辅导助阅读。
- Her Chinese nanny has even labeled the carton in Chinese characters so Hilton can learn to read Chinese. 她的中国保姆甚至给牛奶盒子贴上了中文标签,这样Hilton就可以学着认汉字了。
- Anybody who thinks teaching in a nursery school is a soft job should try it. 任何认为在幼儿园当老师很轻松的人应该去做做这工作。
- Children taught in Chinese find it easier to learn numerals and can do their calculations much easier and faster. 数目字在以华语为启蒙教育的孩童中显得比较简单;在运算过程中也就显得简易而快捷多了。
- Then he began coming to doctors to write out for him the Latin names of medicines in Chinese characters. 接着他就开始请医生们给他把药品的拉丁名称写下来,用中文注音。
- She takes private pupils as well as teaching in school. 她除在学校任教外,也私自教授学生。
- It's in Chinese I can make little of it. 这是中文--我一点儿都不懂。