- In essence,the current Chinese colleging is actually a kind of specialized talent training education,the teaching of specialized courses is superior massively to any other things in college teaching. 我国现阶段的大学教育就其本质而言,是一种专门人才教育,与之相关的专业课程的教学在大学教学中占绝对优势。
- A trial of training student innovative ability in teaching of specialized course 在专业课教学中培养学生创新能力的一点尝试
- Teaching of specialized courses pertaining to electron 电子类课程教学
- How to Let the Teaching of Specialized Courses Step into the Best Situation 如何使专业课教学走向最佳境界
- teaching of specialized course 专业课教学
- Teaching of specialized English is different from that of Basic English; it should combine with the course closely and outspread according to its specialized characteristics. 专业英语的教学不同于基础英语,应该紧密结合课程实际,并根据专业特点来展开。
- The reconstruction of specialized course system is the key of innovation in university training project. 专业课程体系的重新建立是高校培养方案改革的关键之一。
- On the Teaching and Reform of Specialized Course 关于专业英语的教学改革
- Combined with the teaching of specialty English for several years, I think we should improveon the following aspects: first, modulating status of special... 其次要鼓励学生参加多种专业英语的认证考试,并选编含有国内外知识和惯例比较分析的适用教材。
- The teacher of specialize course made combine “cognition” with “emtion ” , liven up teaching program and students has deep understaning,thus aroused and c ultivated the occupational emtion. 专业课教师在教学过程中善于将“认知”和“情感”巧妙地交织在一起,活化教学过程,学生在课堂内外的学习能入情入景,从而实现职业情感的激发和养成。
- Indigenous early-aged infant lecturers from Europe and America, coupled with a complete list of specialized courses! 欧美早教本土化,课程专业丰富!
- adjustment of specialized course 专业调整
- He read a paper on the teaching of English. 他买了一张报纸。
- students of special course of study 专科学生
- Outline the main teaching of Jesus. 概述耶稣的主要教导内容。
- Buddha came here to teach of balance and no fear. 佛陀来这里教导平衡和没有恐惧。
- Duration of specialized study applied for. 请标明你所申请的学习时间。
- Additional cost of specialized hardware. 需要额外的专用硬件成本。
- Analyze sentence structures of special questions. 让学生根据线索写出相关的特殊疑问句。
- The Christian religion, founded on the life and teachings of Jesus. 基督教基督教,建立在耶稣的生活和教诲上