- teaching science by inquiry 探究性学习
- He was put off science by bad teaching. 教学不好使他失去了对理科的兴趣。
- I have satisfied myself of the truth of the report by inquiry. 经调查我已确信该报告的真实性。
- It can be built up as an exact science by the reasoner. 推理法可能被推理学者们逐步树立为一门精密的学科。
- I was granted Bachelor of Science by Benedictine College in 2006. 2006年我从美国博立顿大学上海分校毕业获得工商管理学士学位。
- In other words, they are teaching science scientifically. And it's working. 换句话说,他们正在用科学的方法教科学,并行之有效。
- It generally proceeds by inquiry on a range of topics related to the FCO, and then reports its findings to the House. 通常,它要就与外交与联邦事务部有关的话题进行质询,然后向议会汇报它的调查结果。
- Deep-seated history cause work internal conflict happened 15 once sought by inquiry. 现就发生内讧的深层次历史原因作一探讨。
- They everywhere seek by inquiry, be informed Suzhou bldg. to lack a person, hasty south below. 可到北京一打听,那里的建筑工人早已饱和。他们又四处探访,得知苏州建筑业缺人,便又匆匆南下。
- History and the social sciences by Mark M.Krug. 作者声明: [by] Lewis Paul Todd and Merle Curti.
- The use of case studies holds great promise as a pedagogical technique for teaching science. 个案研究法作为一种教学方法,对促进教育学科的发展都是大有裨益的。
- Yesterday, seek by inquiry of wall bulletin reporter the two meeting news centers of countrywide that are located in Mei Deya center. 昨天,快报记者探访了位于梅地亚中心的全国两会新闻中心。
- In 1965, Lord Nuffield, a carmaker sponsored a project which is devoted to teaching science to young children. 1965年,汽车制造商勒菲勋爵鼎力资助一个促进小学科学教育发展的项目。
- Yesterday, the reporter rides a bike, in small town of this big desert one by one seek by inquiry " god 6 " each preparation before flying Apsaras works. 昨儿个,本报特邀记者骑上自行车,在这一个大漠小巿里个个访求"神六"飞天前的各类预备工作。
- Language teaching is both a science and art. 语文教学既是一门科学又是一种艺术。
- RENNER, J .W. &STAFFORD,D.C. (1972), Teaching Science in the Secondary School. , New York: Harper &Row. 林邦杰(1980);国中及高中学生具体运思、形式运思与传统智力之研究;中华心理学刊;22(2);33-49.
- She first turned on to a career in forensic science by the off-hours cops and criminalists who would patronize the club. 她最初开始从事法庭科学方面的工作是因为那些下了班来光顾俱乐部的警察和犯罪学家的鼓励。
- Without microscopes and other modern equipment,attempts to teach science were futile. 没有显微镜及其他现代化的设备,想教授自然科学是不会有成果的。
- So the traditional rationalists try to argue the rationality of science by scientific methods, but fails. 因此传统理性主义者试图从科学方法来说明科学合理性,都未能取得成功。
- Science is not my long suit in school either, so when I started teaching science to my students, I feel like a total charlatan. 上学时自然科学也不是我所擅长的,所以我开始给我的学生们讲这门课程的时候我感觉自己简直像个冒充内行的骗子.