- team of persons with ability 人才队伍
- The center of communion and emploitation of person with ability of academy of sciences of china. 中国科学院人才交流开发中心。
- In the marketing economy today with fast changing, the competition of the corporation is the competition of persons with ability in the final analysis. 在市场经济瞬息万变的今天,企业的竞争归根结底是人力资源的竞争。
- Taking advantage of persons with ability and encourage them continuously is the determinant for enterprises to gain long competitive power. 企业获得长久竞争力的决定因素是人才的充分利用和不断激励。
- It regulate the character of person with ability radically and incarnate the education thought and idea concentrically. 高等学校之间的竞争主要是人才培养质量的竞争。
- In this background, the competition of companies is the competitions of products, technology, markets, capitals, especially the competition of persons with ability. 在这样的背景下,企业的竞争既是产品的竞争,技术的竞争,市场的竞争,资本的竞争,更是人才的竞争
- The core station of human capital had decided that the competition between enterprise mainly behaved at competition of KM, scilicet competition of person with ability. 人力资本在人类社会经济生活中的这种核心地位,决定了企业与企业之间的竞争,将更主要地体现在智力资本与知识管理的竞争上,说到底是人才的竞争。
- On the basis ofa study on the markt of person with ability condition and problems concemed, hesuggests measures to quicken uP construction of this market in China. 分析了我国人才市场的发展状况及其存在的问题;提出了进一步加快我国人才市场建设的对策和建议。
- Both 3+2 model, the training mode of person with ability for food processing speciality, it is a kind of well-rounded teaching and management modes in our school. 摘要食品加工技术专业“双3+2型”人才培养模式,是信阳农专经过多年探索与实践总结出的一种比较成熟的教学与管理模式。
- For there is no respect of persons with God. 因为神不偏待人。
- The difficulty of employment for the university graduated students are mainly caused by mismatch of supply-demand of persons with ability( PWAs) between universities and industries. 近年来中国开始出现的大学生就业难,其根本症结在于高校的人才供给与产业需求出现了一定的偏差。
- In the United State, do good have come to be, like patriotism, a favourite device of persons with something to sell. 在美国,做好事有如爱国主义一样,已成了推销某些东西的人们爱用的一种手段。
- My secretary is an uncommon person with ability. 我的秘书是个难得的人才。
- Nowadays, with the science and technology development, for carry thronging the person with ability build great power, the constructing in favor of person with ability carve out culture atmosphere is very important. 在当今科学技术迅猛发展的社会,要真正贯彻落实人才强国战略,营造有利于科技人才创业的观念文化环境是极其必要的。
- At present Department of Information can't satisfy demands of the building of hospital information in Chinese hospitals because of singleness of function,instability,lock of person with ability. 目前我国医院信息科功能单一,基础薄弱,人才匮乏,无法满足医院信息化建设的要求。
- A team of African bearers came with us on safari. 有一队非洲脚夫和我们一起进行狩猎旅行。
- With 52 subjects and 8000 students, the College is destinated as a key demonstrative one in its kind in China and educates all kinds of persons with abilities. 学院为全国重点建设示范性职业技术学院,设有52个专业,在校生8000人,为工业园区建设输送各类技能型人才。
- A team of african bearer come with us on safari. 有一队非洲脚夫和我们一起进行狩猎旅行。
- A person with ability plus flexibility should app1y. 需要有能力及适应力强的人。
- A person with ability plus flexibility should apply. 需要有能力及适应力强的人。