- Everyone of us is active in technical innovation. 我们每个人都积极参加技术革新。
- In our plant, technical innovation gets up steam. 我们厂的技术革新的劲头增加了。
- They are steaming ahead with technical innovation. 他们正在大搞技术革新。
- He's a pathbreaker in technical innovation. 他是技术革新的闯将。
- The economy development level and productivity development level of a nation mostly lie on the capability of technic innovation. 一国经济发展水平以及生产力发展水平的高低,在很大程度上取决于技术创新的能力。
- The workmen in this factory began on a technical innovation. 该厂的工人们开始搞一项技术革新。
- The technical innovation has brought about its desired effect. 技术革新产生了预期的效果。
- This technical innovation will save us much time and labour. 这项技术革新可以为我们节省大量的时间和劳力。
- There are all sorts of possibilities for technical innovation. 技术革新的门道很多。
- Beijing FDKM Harmonic Drive Technical Innovation Co., Ltd. 北京飞达克美谐波传动技术创新有限公司。
- Talk on Technical Innovation of Harbin Boiler Works Co., Ltd. 谈哈锅的技术创新。
- There are all of possibilities for technical innovation. 技术革新的门道很多。
- He was a ceramic crackerjack at technical innovation while alive. 生前系工人出向的陶瓷技术革新能手、劳动模范。
- Everyone suggested ways and means for technical innovation. 在技术革新中人人献计献策。
- In technical innovation respect, coetaneous development. 在技术创新方面,同时代的发展。
- We have logged up a remarkable series of gains in technical innovation. 我们已在技术革新方面取得一系列可观的成就。
- He worked out several technical innovations. 他搞成了好几项技术革新。
- Technical innovations run into thousands. 技术革新项目数以千计。
- He is a crackerjack at technical innovations. 他是个技术革新能手。
- The workers go in for technical innovations. 工人们致力于技术革新。