- One who opposes technical or technological change. 反对技术或工艺变化的人。
- Which will be most affected by technological change. 受技术变革的影响最大。
- We adapt timeless lessons as we embrace technological change. 在我们接纳技术上的改变时,还要适应这些永恒的教训。
- With rapid technological change, many manners of our lives? 是说生活方式么?
- This is especially true in a dynamic world of technological change. 在技术不断变化的世界里,尤其如此。
- The nature of the crop may have an impact on the rate of technological change. 作物的性质可能影响技术进步的速度。
- This is especcially true in a dynamic world of technological change. 在技术不断变化的世界里,尤其如此。
- In these days of technological change we all suffer from information overload. 在这科技日新月异的时代,过多的信息使人人都应接不暇。
- Technological change may undermine a country's basis for specialization. 技术上的变化会无形中摧毁一国专业化的基
- A successful company must keep up with the pace of technological change. 一家成功的公司必须得跟上技术变革的步伐。
- Technological change was the spark that ignited the wildfire of change. 技术变化是点燃变化的火种。
- Will new technology change the shape of broadcasting? 新技术会改变广播的方式吗?
- Technological changes will inevitably lead to loss of jobs. 技术的改进将不可避免地会导致失业。
- The result is a stable, powerful system that adapts rapidly to technological change. 结果就产生了一个稳健、强大并能够迅速适应技术变革的系统。
- It also yields important implications for policies regarding technological change in developing countries. 它对于发展中国家有关技术改革的政策也有重要含义。
- The result is a stable,powerful system that adapts rapidly to technological change. 结果就产生了一个稳健、强大并能够迅速适应技术变革的系统。
- The impact of technological change on employment has been raised many times since Ricardo's original contribution to the subject. 关于技术变化对就业的影响问题,自从李嘉图最先提出以来,人们又多次讨论这个问题。
- A more sophisticated variation on the computer-did-it theory--" skills- biased technological change"--also leaves many economists dissatisfied. 这同样令许多经济学家不满意。
- With technological changes many traditional skills have become obsolete. 随着技术的革新,许多传统技艺已被淘汰。
- From analog to digital technology change has become a fait accompli. 从模拟向数字技术的转变已经成为了一个既定的事实。