- There has been controversy all the time as to whether FDI has positive technological spillover effect or not. 摘要外商直接投资(下文简称为FDI)是否具有正的技术外溢效应一直存有争议。
- Technology spillover, a specific form of the inter-industry transfer and diffusion of technological advance, is the most crucial to economic growth and industry development. 技术溢出作为技术进步在产业间转移和扩散的一种特定形式,其对于经济增长和产业发展来说是至关重要的。
- Multi-dimension Technological Spillover 多维技术溢出效应
- The empirical study proves that there is a positive technology spillover effect in the process of introducing FDI in China. 经验研究证实,中国在引进外资过程中的确获取了正的技术外溢效应。
- Technology spillover is a double-edge sword.It retrenches the R &D cost of firms, and decreases the marketing prices of new products. 摘要技术溢出既能让企业节约研发成本,又降低新产品的市场价格。
- One of the important targets of attracting foreign investment is to get the technology spillover and enhance self-innovation. 吸引外资的重要目标之一在于获取外资的技术外溢,增强自主创新能力。
- Fourthly, the paper improves SDC model by using another kind of strategic technology spillover which in essence shortens the patent race. 四是用缩短专利竞赛的技术溢出拓展了SDC模型,即企业可以利用技术溢出策略达到双赢的目的。
- The paper makes some innovations on discussing the relation between FDI and economicgrowth by systems analysis, studying FDI effect on investment demand and consumption demand,explaining the realization mechanism of FDI technology spillover,etc. 本文在系统探讨FDI与经济增长关系、分析FDI对投资需求、消费需求的拉动作用及解释国际直接投资技术效应实现机制等方面有创新之处。
- This paper reviews and analyses the influence of absorptive capacity of host country on FDI technology spillover effect, and puts forward some proposals to improve absorptive capacity of corporation in our country. 摘要分析了有关东道国吸收能力对FDI技术溢出效应影响因素,对提高我国技术吸收能力提出一些建议。
- Firstly, the thesis amends the assumption of SDC model, because SDC model believes the competitor will not make a spillover.The thesis finds the new characteristics of strategic technology spillover. 一是修正了SDC模型假设,论文通过分析指出原模型对第二阶段竞争对手技术溢出行为的忽略,从而通过修正重新推定了策略性技术溢出的特性;
- However, China did not realize the desire to enhance its own technology level by the FDI strategy of "make technology by market".It is doubtful that FDI has technology spillover effect. 然而,我国通过“以市场换技术”策略希望借助外资提高自身技术水平的初衷并没有得到很好的实现,外商直接投资的技术溢出效应受到了广泛质疑。
- Foreign Direct Investment, Technological Spillover and Chinese Economic Growth 外商直接投资、技术外溢与中国经济增长
- International Technology Spillover 跨国技术扩散
- The strategic trade policy suggests the government interfere with the oligopolistic industries that exist excessive profit or technological spillovers to maximize national net welfare. 战略性贸易政策理论主张政府应积极干预存在超额利润或技术外溢效应的寡头垄断产业以实现本国社会净福利的最大化。
- Study on the Influential Factors of Technological Spillover of Multinational Corporations: An Empirical Analysis 跨国公司技术溢出影响因素实证分析
- On Technology Spillover Channel of Multinational Enterprise in China 在华跨国公司技术外溢渠道探析
- The jobs have been made redundant by technological advance. 这些职业工种因技术的发展而变得多余。
- A period of sequential technological development and innovation. 阶段持续的技术发展和革新的一段时期
- Analysis of Technology Spillover and Technological Innovation under Competitive Product Market 市场竞争模式下的技术溢出与技术创新分析
- These people are subjected to a spillover effect. 他们是指那些会受”溢出效应“影响的购物者。