- The pre-emptive technology advantage is the potent combination of computers with communication. 计算机与电信的有效结合形成了空前未有的技术优势。
- During the design and implement, security characteristic and technology advantage of JCA、JCE、JAAS and JSSE stacked out a mile. 在设计和实现过程中,JCA、JCE、JAAS和JSSE的安全特性和技术优势得到了充分体现。
- Seagate's technology advantage has enabled the Company to consistently set and then shatter world records with the highest performing disc drives in the industry. 希捷的技术优势,使它在硬盘行业内持续不断地以其优异的产品刷新世界纪录。
- The research hotspot of biochip is transferring from passive chip to initiative chip,and the electroanalysis technology shows prominent technology advantage in this process. 生物芯片的研发重心正由被动式芯片转向主动式生物芯片领域,电化学分析方法在主动式生物芯片的研发中已展现出巨大的技术优势。
- The technology advantage, network topology, modulator and coding mode and choice of the wavelength of laser wireless access network are introduced in this paper. 摘要本文介绍了激光无线通信技术在宽带接入中的优势,网络拓扑结构,调制和编码的方式以及传输波长的选择。
- Give Play to the Scientific and Technological Advantage and Use Science and Technology to Support the Leap in the Development of the Sports. 发挥科技优势,以科技助体育跨越式发展。
- Seated in HUST Sci-tech, based on technology development of HUST (Huazhong University of Science & Technology), Hust-Life is devoted itself to be the top-notch pharmaceutical manufacturer with technology advantage in the field of polysaccharide. 公司位于武汉东湖新技术开发区的华中科技大学科技园内,以华中科技大学技术开发为依托,企业发展力求高起点,致力于成为全国具有技术特色及优势的多糖类药品生产企业。
- The company states that the investment is in line with Sasol's strategy to leverage its technological advantage in Fischer-Tropsch technology. 公司表明这一投资和沙索公司费托蜡生产的技术优势是一致的。
- It bases on some teachers and the internet technology, which takes full advantage of Donne's abundant fund and technology advantage so as to transfer the teachers' excellent knowledge to the students. 福州一中网校以福州一中现岗教师为基础,以互联网技术为载体,充分利用福建新东网科技有限公司雄厚资金及技术优势,将福州一中的优秀教学资源通过网络形式传递给福州一中网校注册学生。
- This paper studies the development problems of international trade on the basis of technological advantage of backwardness. 文章主要根据后发优势在技术方面的表现来研究国际贸易的发展问题。
- Make use of the scientific and technological advantage in Beijing,integrate the scientific and technological resources and establish a new management system for sports science and technology. 利用首都科技优势,整合科技资源,建立体育科技的新型管理体制。
- It also constantly exploits the potential strength and technology advantages, It's products have been approved by UL,CUL GS, BSI, SAA, PSE, etc. 同时,公司不断地激发潜能,利用技术优势,现已获得UL、CUL、GS、BSI、SAA、PSE等国际认证。
- Make use of the scientific and technological advantage in Beijing, integrate the scientific and technological resources and establish a new management system for sports science and technology. 利用首都科技优势,整合科技资源,建立体育科技的新型管理体制。
- With a century brand and technology advantages, Daihatsu tries to share China market.Can they depend on XENIA to implement the prospective target in China? 凭借百年品牌和技术优势的大发信心百倍地要在中国市场分一杯羹,“森雅”的上市能否实现大发在中国的预期目标?
- The reason for all the fuss is simple: the test potentially marks a major step forward in China's ability to nullify the huge technological advantage of the U.S. in any clash over Taiwan. 所有这些激烈反应的原因很简单:测试可能标志着一个巨大的进步,那就是中国有能力在美国卷入台湾问题的时候让美国强大的技术优势作废。
- Our company has the scientific and technological advantage and combine with Ganshu NongKeng medicinal materials supply base, and to be an economical entity of research、planting、manufacture、sell. 为响应国家开发大西北的号召,公司利用自身科技优势,与甘肃农垦医药药材站建立长期友好合作关系,共同建立科研、种植、深加工、市场营销一体化的经济联合体。
- Technology is a booming sector of the economy. 技术是一个迅速发展的经济部门。
- I hope Italian enterprises will play out their technological advantages and establish capital and technology intensive enterprises in these areas. 希望意大利企业发挥技术先进的优势,到这些地区设立资金、技术密集型企业。
- The compact disc is a miracle of modern technology. 激光唱片是当代技术的奇葩。
- This paper summarizes the development of Western Titanium Technologies Co.,Ltd.(WTT),its production scale and technology advantages. 概述了西部钛业公司的发展历程,生产规模及技术优势。