- Teenage Pregnancy: How do I Know if I'm Pregnant? 如何知道是否已怀孕?
- Teenage pregnancy itself has become a global issue. 少女怀孕已成为全球性问题。
- This is a main reason for America's high teenage pregnancy rate. 这是美国青少年怀孕率高的重要原因。
- They include teenage violence and teenage pregnancy. 包括青少年暴力和少女怀孕等。
- Sex education is an effective method in reducing teenage pregnancy. 性教育是减少青少年怀孕的一种有效途径。
- They also have high levels of teenage pregnancy that help bump up the figures. 两国的少女怀孕比例也都很高,进一步推高了生育率。
- So,you relocated to avoid the social stigma associated with a teenage pregnancy. 于是 为了避免未成年少女 怀孕被社会歧视 决定搬家
- Today's parents must go Beyond the Birds and Bees to aIDS, herpes and teenage pregnancy. 对于现代的父母来说,只限于以鸟类和蜜蜂为例向子女解释两性关系是不够的。他们还必须让子女了解艾滋
- "Two years ago, teenage pregnancy mainly happened to college and senior high school students," he said. “两年前,早孕主要集中在大学生和高中生这两大人群。”
- CBS said it had broken new ground with its coverage of social issues such as cancer, alcoholism and teenage pregnancy. CBS报道说,剧集不断覆盖诸如癌症,酒精以及青年人怀孕等各种社会问题。
- The government set itself a target in 1999 to half the teenage pregnancy rate by 2010. 英国政府于1999年制定目标,计划到2010年将少女怀孕率减少一半.
- The conclusions of these results indicated that personal characteristics and self-esteem are likely to correlate with the risk of teenage pregnancy. 此外,学校应加强对学生之辅导,维持与学生间的畅通管道,?解学生之想法,针对高年级学生提供多元的心理谘商服务,推展有效预防青少年怀孕的计划。
- Even if better and earlier sex education does not cut teenage pregnancy, that doesn't negate its importance, agrees Mr Blake. 布莱克先生认为,即使早期、良好的性教育不能降低未成年人怀孕的比率,也不会削弱其自身的重要性。
- Private citizens, especially young people, repaired the social fabric, dedicated themselves to community service and lowered drug addiction and teenage pregnancy. 普通老百姓,尤其是年轻人,修复了社会结构,致力于社区服务,降低吸毒和少女怀孕。
- MEXICO CITY( Reuters)- High school students in the Mexican state of Chihuahua are being made to care for screaming, hiccuping baby dolls that run on computer chips to try to bring down the state's soaring teenage pregnancy rate. 奇瓦瓦州位于墨西哥北方地区,最近一段时间以来,当地的中学生们开始了一种听上去令人颇感诧异的课外活动,他们会抽出时间专门去照顾一些由电脑芯片控制的,既会尖叫又能打嗝儿的洋娃娃,而有关方面之所以推出此举,主要还是想通过这种方式来遏制该州不满二十岁的青少年节节攀升的未婚先孕现象。
- Contrary to some people's beliefs, increasing teenage pregnancies do not imply an increase in casual sex and promiscuity. 和大多数人的想法相反的是,不断增长的青春期妊娠并不意味着随意性行为和滥交的数量增长。
- Last month the British government said it would target "hot spot" areas for teenage pregnancies and encourage local authorities to focus their efforts on cutting the numbers. 英国政府上月表示,政府将重点治理青少年早孕的“高发地区”,并会敦促当地政府集中力量解决这一问题。
- Now an influential study, commissioned by the Government, has recommended extending the coverage to all state secondaries and colleges in a drive to cut teenage pregnancies. 日前,由英国政府委托开展的一项重量级研究建议,为降低青少年怀孕率,应该让性健康咨询室走进所有国立中学和大学。
- Carrera, run by the US Children's Aid Society, significantly reduced the rate of teenage pregnancies over three years in the four areas where it was introduced. 卡雷拉计划由美国儿童援助协会运作,三年来,实施该计划的四个地区的少女怀孕率都有显著下降。
- According to a study in Shanghai alone, teenage pregnancies make up 2 percent of all pregnancies of the city each year, and the number keeps increasing. 根据一项调查,就上海,少女怀孕的人数已占到全市每年妇女怀孕人数的2%25,而且这个数字还在不断上升。