- If not,the call went to the company's in-house telephone switching system,or PBX (private branch exchange). 如果没有,电话就转到公司内的电话交换系统(即PBX,用户电话交换机)。
- If not, the call went to the company's in-house telephone switching system, or PBX (private branch exchange). 如果没有,电话就转到公司内的电话交换系统(即pbx,用户电话交换机)。
- If not, the call went to the company's inhouse telephone switching system, or PBX (private branch exchange). 如果没有,电话就转到公司内的电话交换系统(即PBX,用户电话交换机)。
- In a telephone switching system,inability to make a connection or obtain a service because the devices needed for the connection or service are in use. 在电话交换系统中,由于需要连接或服务的设备正在使用而不能连通或得到服务。
- This paper presents a basic method for establishing the simulation models of a telephone switching system by using GPSS-F simulation language. 本文介绍一种应用GPSS-F仿真语言建立一个电话交换系统仿真模型的基本方法。
- In a telephone switching system, inability to make a connection or obtain a service because the devices needed for the connection or service are in use. 在电话交换系统中,由于需要连接或服务的设备正在使用而不能连通或得到服务。
- It took two hundred overpaid engineers two weeks of emergency alert work to figure out why the semi-alive American telephone switching system repeatedly failed in 1990. 1990年两百个高薪低能的工程师用了两个星期来应急维修,要找出半死不活的美国电话交换系统为何老是出岔子。
- D.Talley, "Basic Telephone Switching Systems", Hayden Book Company, Rochelle Park, N.J. 1969. 由坐标式交换器所组成的交换网路。
- The idea of stored programs in telephone switching is not new. Even before the computer age the telephone switching systems embodied the elements of computer control. 在电话交换中程序控制并不是新想法。在计算机产生之前,电话交换系统已使用了计算机的控制原理。
- semielectronic telephone switching system 半电子制电话交换机
- automatic telephone switching system 自动电话交换系统
- step by step telephone switching system 步进制电话交换机
- manual telephone switching system 人工电话交换机
- electronic telephone switching system 电子电话交换机
- toll and city telephone switching system 长途市内合用电话交换系统
- toll city and rural telephone switching system 长途市内农村合用电话交换系统
- digital spc telephone switching system 数字程控电话交换系统
- step-by-step telephone switching system 变进制电话交换机
- Alaskan Telephone Switching System 阿拉斯加电话转接系统
- On May 9, 1978, the first 3000 lines crossbar telephone switching system was opened in Zhangdian District, Zibo City. The outdated hand-cranked telephone started to step off the stage of history. 1978年5月9日,山东省第一台3000门纵横制自动电话交换机在淄博市张店区开通使用,老式的“摇把子”式电话机开始退出历史舞台。