- temperate zone forests 温带森林
- Most of the world's wheat is grown in the North Temperate zone. 世界上大部分小麦种植在北温带。
- Ninety per cent of the country lies in the temperate zone. 这个国家百分之九十的地方都是温带。
- Most of China is in the temperate zone. 中国的大部分地区在温带。
- The southern areas are in a temperate zone. 南部地区属于温带。
- Most of China is situated in the temperate zone. 中国大部分地区处于温带。
- My uncle lived in the temperate zone. 我舅舅住在气候温和的地区。
- Although "Broad leaf deciduous forests in temperate zone" has good aggregation ability and comparability, as well as short patch distance, its natural cohesion ability is poor. “裸地/城镇”的斑块间距最大,相似性程度低,聚合性弱,异质性最高。
- Of or relating to the forest areas of the northern North Temperate Zone, dominated by coniferous trees such as spruce, fir, and pine. 北温带北部森林地区的北温带北部森林地区的或与之相关的,主要植物为针叶树,如云杉、枞树和松树
- Ninety percent of the country lies in the temperate zone. 这个国家90%25的地方都在温带。
- Britain's weather is the oceanity temperate zone foliage forest climate, all year long temperate moist. 英国的天气属海洋性温带阔叶林气候,终年温和湿润。
- Most of the world rs wheat is grown in the North Temperate zone. 世界上大部分小麦种植在北温带。
- The temperate zone should be cooler than the tropical zone. 温带一定比热带凉快啊。
- The priority in forest history studies was shifted from forest history in the temperate zone to forest history in tropical zone. 就国际森林史研究来看,经历了一个从重点研究温带森林史向热带森林史转变的过程。
- Warm temperate zones support broadleaf evergreen forests, including laurel forests. 暖温带适合阔叶常绿林,包括月桂树林。
- They “hibernated” even in temperate zones. 他们虽地处温带,但却也会“冬眠”。
- The north temperate zone components are preponderant, Picea, Abies, Betula and Sabina are the constructive species or the dominant species in most of the forest vegetations in the 3 regions. 委陵菜属、凤毛菊属、黄芪属、马先蒿属、苔草属这五个属是三个林区植物共有的前十个优势属。 北温带成分占绝对优势,北温带成分中的云杉属、冷杉属、桦木属、圆柏属植物是构成这三个林区几乎所有森林植被类型的建群种或优势植物。
- This pine is called the larch, it grows well in temperate zones. 这棵松树是落叶松, 适合生长在温带。
- The argo-purlieu ecotone in temperate zone changes frommountainous to plain region, from temperate mixed coniferous and broad-leaf forest totemperate forest Steppe, from dark brown forest soil to black soil, from forest landscape toagriculture landscape. 温带农林交错带是山地向平原、温带针阔混交林向温带森林草原、暗棕壤向黑土、以森林景观为主向以农业景观为主的过渡带。
- European sorrel with large slightly acidic sagittate leaves grown throughout north temperate zone for salad and spring greens. 有巨大微酸箭头形叶子的欧洲酸模,遍布于北温带地区,做色拉和春季草地。