- temple portals of carved stone 寺院的石雕大门.
- Directly below this rod and gem, sitting in the middle of the room, was a stand of carved stone topped by a stone plate with scrolled ends. 在竿和珠宝的正下面,在房间的中央立着一块雕刻的石头,石头顶端旁边有翻卷的石头盘子。
- Directly below the rod and gem, sitting in the middle of the room was a stand of carved stone topped by a stone plate with scrolled ends. 在竿和珠宝的正下面,在房间的中央立着一块雕刻的石头,石头顶端旁边有翻卷的石头盘子。
- A glimpse at the vice-regal residence reveals a certain Byronic romanticism.It is battlemented, with sham turrets, massive chimney-stacks, and a good deal of carved stone. 瞥一眼有着佯装炮楼的城垛上矗立着高大的烟囱和许多石雕的总督官邸不难看见它所透露的拜伦风格的浪漫主义精神 。
- All stone tower, flat square, flat basexu mi zuo place, the lower base for the Yang-V lianpan, between the surface of carved stone lions and tame lion people. 塔全部为石造,平面方形,扁平的须弥座上放置基座,基座上下层为仰伏莲瓣,中间石面上雕刻狮子和驯狮人。
- The portal of the mansion looks magnificent. 这座大厦的正门看上去富丽堂皇。
- There is probably so much knowledge in this tomb you are speaking about that one sheet of parchment or one block of carved stone probably sent the excavators into almost total unconsciousness. 很有可能你所谈到的在坟墓中如此多的知识,一张羊皮稿,或一块刻石,可能被送到几乎全部无意识的发掘者。
- I think they are standing at the portals of happiness now. 我认为他们现在是站在通向幸福的路口了。
- Digital protection of Carved stone 石刻数字化保护
- We stand at the portals of a new age. 我们处于新时代的开端。
- Mistakes are the portals of discovery. 错误是发现的温床。
- I am at the portal of knowledge. 我在知识的入门处。
- The local library, a portal of knowledge. 地区图书馆,知识之门
- In front of the gate of Zhanshansi Temple stand a pair of exquisitely carved stone lions. By the side of the temple there stands the Yaoshita Pagoda (the Druggist Pagoda). 例(1)湛山寺山门两旁的一对石狮子,雕凿精细。寺外建有“药师塔琉璃光如来宝塔”,简称“药师塔”。
- The local library,a portal of knowledge. 地区图书馆,知识之门
- Add the crosses of carved stone, more lavishly scattered through the squares than even the gibbets; 此外,还可以加上十字街头那些多过绞刑架的饰有雕像的石十字架;
- Many carved stone treasures lie in the Forest of Steles in Xi'an. 西安碑林收藏有许多刻石珍品。
- The Guan Yu Temple of Xiezhou also boasts a large quantity of historic relics such as a resplendent screen wall covered with glazed tiles, exquisitely carved stone arches, massive tripods, iron censors and so on, all of immeasurable artistic value. 解州关帝庙内,还保存着大量的历史文物。 如色彩绚烂的琉璃影壁,刻工精细的石牌坊,万斤鼎,铁香炉等,都是艺术珍品。
- Analysis on the Stock Beasts of Carved Stone Group in the Cemetery of Prince Lujian 潞简王陵石刻群石兽简释