- To select a temporary register color for read or write. Temp. 可选择要读取或写入的临时寄存器颜色。
- Which is a single temporary register that can be read into subsequent stages as an input argument. 后者是单个的临时寄存器,可作为输入参数读入到后续的贴图层。
- R12 [RVH] Return value high of the function. For functions returning 32-bit values this register can be considered temporary register. R12为临时寄存器,对于32位机器,该寄存器保存计算结果超过32位的部分,如果64位机,就保存高32位。
- R12 [RVH] Return value high of the function.For functions returning 32-bit values this register can be considered temporary register. R12为临时寄存器,对于32位机器,该寄存器保存计算结果超过32位的部分,如果64位机,就保存高32位。
- A coroutine call instruction. The instruction pops the top of stack into temporary register, pushes program counter onto the stack, and then puts the saved top of stack in the program counter. 一种协同程序访问指令,该指令把栈顶弹入临时寄存器,把程序计数器推入栈内,然后把保存的栈顶内容存入到程序计数器内。
- A coroutine call instruction.The instruction pops the top of stack into temporary register, pushes program counter onto the stack, and then puts the saved top of stack in the program counter. 一种协同程序访问指令,该指令把栈顶弹入临时寄存器,把程序计数器推入栈内,然后把保存的栈顶内容存入到程序计数器内。
- In the case of a temporarily registered nurse the validity is three months. 对于临时注册的护士来说,有效期是三个月。
- The name simply didn't register with me. 我对这个名字简直一点印象都没有。
- He slammed the door to register his disapproval. 他砰的一声把门关上以示不满。
- This cash register must have come out of the ark. 这台现金出纳机肯定是很老式的。
- Have you got your name on the electoral register? 你的名字已登记在选民名册上了吗?
- It's wise to register letters containing banknotes. 信中夹钞票最好寄挂号。
- She works in the office as a temporary. 她在办公室做临时雇员。
- The two parties procured a temporary agreement. 双方达成了临时协议。
- He suffered a temporary loss of memory. 他暂时丧失了记忆。
- The boss hired some temporary workers. 老板雇佣了一些临时工。
- Automatic modification of the index register. 自动修改变址寄存器内容。
- They were unwilling to register for the draft. 他们不愿意登记入伍。
- She was enrolled in a register of electors. 她被登入选举人名册。
- But their so-called prosperity is only a temporary phenomenon. 但他们所谓的繁荣只是一个暂时的现象。