- Let's fling up a temporary shelter for the night. 让我们赶快动手搭建一个过夜之所。
- He afforded a temporary shelter for the needy. 他为穷人提供暂时的安身之处。
- Would you afford a poor child a temporary shelter? 您愿意给一位可怜的孩子提供暂时的栖身之地吗?
- Wubao flood victims find temporary shelter in tents. 五宝镇灾民居住的临时帐篷。
- But the wife simply constructed a temporary shelter from pieces of driftwood and beach towels. 但妻子却用浮木碎片及浴巾搭了一个临时遮蔽处。
- An overhanging rock offered him a temporary shelter, and scarcely had he availed himself of it when the tempest burst forth in all its fury. 一块悬空的岩石成了他暂时栖身之处,他刚躲到它的黑面,大风暴就又以排山倒海之势扑来。
- Young evacuees affected by the rumbling Mayon volcano watch television at a temporary shelter in the town of Guinobatan in Albay province on Dec. 21. AFP / Getty Images / Ted Aljibe年轻的撤离影响到了对在阿尔拜省吉诺巴坦镇临时庇护所12月21日在隆隆的马荣火山看电视。
- In this Feb. 29, 2008 file photo, a veterinarian holds a baby Brotogeris Jugularis, a parrot known as "bronceado", at a temporary shelter in Bogota. 在哥伦比亚波哥大临时救护中心一位兽医手中的一只小鹦鹉。
- The Mayor of the town of Calais opened this temporary shelter on Friday to keep some 200 refugees from the streets in sub-zero winter cold. 图为游民们在加莱港附近一个体育馆所权充的收容所一夜好眠后,排队等待食物发放。
- An evacuee affected by the nearby rumbling Mayon volcano touches a statue of a saint at a temporary shelter in the town of Guinobatan in Albay province on Dec. 21. AFP / Getty Images / Ted Aljibe影响到了对在阿尔拜省吉诺巴坦镇的临时住所附近的马荣火山隆隆触及了一个圣人雕像12月21日的撤离。
- Young evacuees affected by the nearby rumbling Mayon volcano eat their meals inside a temporary shelter in the city of Legazpi in Albay province on Dec. 21. AFP / Getty Images / Ted Aljibe年轻的撤离受马荣火山附近的隆隆吃藏在一个城市的加斯皮在阿尔拜省临时住所12月21日吃饭。
- This, it was explained, was to help provide temporary shelter for more than 400,000 devotees who visit the icicle shrine, a cave at Amarnath in south Kashmir, each year. 同时,克什米尔人越来越屈从于残酷的现实。一些人认为1947年的分离是他们应得的并渴望得到巴基斯坦的承认,可能很多人都想要完全的独立。但是很多人感觉这场战争已经失败。
- Young evacuees living at the foothills of the rumbling Mayon volcano pray during a special class at a temporary shelter in a village near the town of Guinobatan in Albay province on Dec. 21. AFP / Getty Images / Ted Aljibe 年轻的撤离居住在隆隆的马荣火山山麓祈祷时在附近的阿尔拜省吉诺巴坦镇临时庇护所村12月21日在一个特殊阶层。
- After that, all of us took a break within a shift because we needed to report to the police station and our Centre Command Centre, even no demonstrator living in the temporary shelter . 打点好一切后,得知农民已安排好自己的住宿问题,因此我们也松了一口气,但接下来仍有工作要做,例如要定时向警署和部队指挥中心汇报情况,就算是了空无一人,也要汇报,所以我们需要轮流休息,随时接收讯息。
- a small (rustic) house used as a temporary shelter. 可以作为暂时的容身之所的乡村小屋。
- The rebels say government forces are preventing private aid from reaching temporary shelters for tsunami survivors. 叛乱分子说政府军队正阻止民间援助抵达海啸生还者的临时避难所。
- Once the Landslip Warning is issued, temporary shelters will be provided by the Home Affairs Department. 在山泥倾泻警告发出后,民政事务总署将开放临时庇护站。
- A place where tents, huts, or other temporary shelters are set up, as by soldiers, nomads, or travelers. 营地:建造帐篷、棚屋或其它临时遮蔽物的地方,常由军人、游牧民或旅行者所建。
- a small (rustic) house used as a temporary shelter 可以作为暂时的容身之所的乡村小屋
- The Red Cross threw up temporary shelters for the homeless victims of the earthquake. 红十字会为那些在地震灾害中失去家园的受灾户,紧急加盖了临时避难所。