- temqerature control plant 控温厂房
- The idea of using microorganisms to control plant pests is not new. 用微生物来控制病虫害的设想并不新鲜。
- Is an automatically controlled plant. 是一种自动化控制的工厂。
- It is a new method and promising approach to control plant bacterial diseases by quenching bacterial quorum sensing through biotechnology. 利用现代生物技术手段人为地操纵细菌群体感应系统,将会成为提高植物抗病性的新方法、新途径。
- If long-term operation in the event of a serious condensation and humidity control plant not a means of long-term dormant or die, we need to use a heavier load Antirust cereus. 如果在出现长期运转、严重凝结而厂房没有控制湿度的手段,或者模具长期搁置不用,就需要使用更重负载的蜡状防锈剂。
- The ARGOS gene in Arabidopsis plays a key role in controlling plant organ size. 拟南芥ARGOS 基因在控制植物器官大小方面起到了重要作用。
- Trichoderma spp. have a remarkable biosynthetic ability.They can grow on simple media and a variety of complex carbon and nitrogen substrates.In order to control plant pathogens with Trichoderma spp. 大部分木霉对营养的需求并不十分严格,可以分解利用纤维素、半纤维素、几丁质等多种多聚物作为其生长的碳源物质,也可以利用多种简单的和复杂的氮源化合物生长。
- Some studies indicated that useful Bacillus cereus had good effects in plants' growth and could control plant diseases and pests. 摘要研究表明,益生蜡样芽孢杆菌能促进植物生长,防治植物病害。
- Secondly, by using the LCS model, the thesis gives detailed analysis on the main factors which influence the levitational vertical and attraction force.And the control plant is obtained. 接着利用该模型对影响悬浮控制力和吸引力的各主要因素:励磁电流、悬浮气隙等进行了详细的分析,建立对象模型抽象,确定状态变量,建立状态方程。
- The nitrogen content of the plants inoculated with SMH12, ZX20 and HN01, as well as the nitrogen content of blank control plant were 2.26%, 2.44%, 2.10%, 1.70% respectively. 接着,又对菌株SMH12、ZX20、HN01所接植株和空白对照植株的氮含量进行了测定。 4组植株在渝豆上的氮含量分别为2.;26%25、2
- Based on state-feedback decoupling, this paper uses an experimental system as controlled plant and presents the digital simulation results of PID control. 本文基于状态反馈解耦,以某试验系统为被控对象,在实现解耦的基础上,给出了PID控制的数字仿真结果。
- Mycorrhiza colonization was also observed in the control plants due to native AM fungi present in the field soil. 由于田土本身含有天然存在之菌根菌,故对照组之植株上亦可发现菌根菌感染的现象。
- The nonlinear offline model of the controlled plant is built by LS-SVM with the radial basis function (RBF) kernel. 首先,用具有RBF核函数的LS-SVM离线建立被控物件的非线性模型;
- Fungal challenge of these transgenic plants showed that some plants were much more resistant to Sclerotinia sclerotiorium than non-transgenic control plants. 转基因植株的活体接种油菜菌核病菌(Sclerotinia sclerotiorium)试验表明,部分转基因植株比对照显示较强抗病性。
- A continuous reheating industrial furnace is large inertia, pure delay, multi-variables, time-varying, intercoupling complicated controlled plant, and has many uncertain factors. 摘要连续式加热炉是个典型具有大惯性、纯滞后、多变量、时变并且相互耦合的复杂被控对象,而且有许多不确定因素。
- Industry rarely thrives under government control. 在政府控制之下工业很少会发达。
- When the controlled plant is unknown, the comparison of the neural network (NN) and recursive least squares (RLS) model is presented for the off-line system identification. 此外,针对未知受控系统的系统识别,提出类神经网路(NN)与递迴式最小平方法(RLS)模型之间的比较。
- A continuous reheating industrial furnace is large inertia,pure delay,multi-variables,time-vary-ing,intercoupling complicated controlled plant,and has many uncertain factors. 连续式加热炉是个典型具有大惯性、纯滞后、多变量、时变并且相互耦合的复杂被控对象,而且有许多不确定因素。
- Those rebellious teenagers are hard to control. 那些反叛的青少年很难管教。
- Pollution control has cleared the air. 污染管制已净化了空气。