- ten thousand cannons booming 万炮齐轰
- He planked down his ten thousand. 他当场付了一万元。
- The town has a population of ten thousand. 这个镇有一万人口。
- The car cost him around ten thousand US dollars. 这车花去他一万美元左右。
- He bought the canvas for ten thousand dollars. 他以一万美元买下这幅油画。
- I received no less than ten thousand yen for my work. 我的工资多达一万日元。
- All the upper ten thousand were present at the prince's ball. 所有上流社会人士都参加了亲王的舞会。
- I hear they've dropped over ten thousand on the deal. 我听说他们那笔交易损失了一万多块钱。
- It cost me ten thousand yen to have my television set repaired. 把我的电视机修好要花去我10000日元。
- She lives in a ten thousand strong Chinese community. 她住在一个足有一万人的华人社区。
- The cannons boomed to celebrate the great day. 大炮发出隆隆声来庆祝这个伟大的日子。
- The bank made a loan of ten thousand pounds to the factory. 银行贷给那家工厂一万英镑。
- Somewhere there was a war and cannon booming and burning towns and men who rotted in hospitals amid sickening-sweet stinks. 有的地方还在打仗,炮声隆隆,城市起火,士兵们在臭气熏天的医院里缓缓地溃烂和死亡。
- The job pays ten thousand dollars a week. 这工作每星期的工资的是一万元。
- Ten thousand difficulties do not make one doubt. 千难万险都不足以使人怀疑。
- He has at least ten thousand dollars or so. 他自己手里至少有万儿八千的。
- You'll need at least ten thousand yuan. 你起码需要1万元。
- Ten thousand competitors are expected in Sydney. 而参加悉尼奥运的选手估计有10000人。
- Ten thousand horses gallop forward. 万马奔腾。
- It was a night out of ten thousand for my purpose. 对于实现我的计划来说,这一夜真是千载难逢。