- Koop, that could save tens of billions of dollars. 据库普说,这将会节省数百亿美元。
- The observable part is currently some tens of billions of light-years across. 目前可观测到的部份,大约横跨100多亿光年。
- Tens of billions of dollars of outsiders' money staved off a catastrophe. 外来的数百亿美元阻止了毁灭性的结局。
- In fact, the Chinese never desire to fight an American-type high-tech war that costs tens of billions of US dollars. 实际上中国人根本就没有想打一场美式的花几百亿美元的高技术战争。
- Business losses attributable to literacy deficiencies cost the U.S. Tens of billions of dollars every year. 由于雇员文化素质低而造成的损失每年在美国高达几百亿美元。
- Large investment banks and private equity groups have set aside tens of billions of dollars specifically to buy up and restructure the loan portfolios. 一些大型投资银行和私人股本集团已调拨数百亿美元资金,专门用于收购并重组这些贷款组合。
- Coping with climate change will cost poor countries tens of billions of dollars a year by most reckonings. 据保守估计,气候变化每年将会给贫困国家造成数百亿美元的损失。
- At stake are tens of billions of dollars in funding promised for a multi-year cyber-security initiative? 而处于危险之中的却是用来花几年维护电脑安全系统所设立的百亿美元的资金。
- Mizuho, like other Japanese banks, has been 4)saddled with tens of billions of dollars in bad loans. 与其他日本银行一样,瑞穗银行受到数百亿美元坏帐的拖累。
- Adaptation will cost tens of billions of dollars a year in developing countries alone, and will put still further pressure on already scarce resources. 仅是发展中国家为适应气候变化每年都会花费几百亿美元,还会给已经很稀缺的资源带来更大的压力。
- The burden of tens of billions of yuan's worth of price subsidies provided annually by the state is getting heavier all the time. 每年几百亿元价格补贴,越背越重。
- At the start of 2008, Yukos was billed for tens of billions of dollars in back-tax claims and auditor PwC also faced severe back-tax penalties. 2008年年初,尤科斯公司因欠税数百亿美元而被告上法庭,为其提供审计服务的普华永道俄罗斯分所也面临严厉的欠税处罚。
- An agreement could mean financial transfers totaling tens of billions of dollars a year, so the debate is going to be a fierce one. 一旦达成协议意味着每年多达数百亿美元的资金转移,因此相关的争论一定会非常激烈。
- Over the recent years the Shanghai government has invested tens of billions of yuan in Pudong, thus improvingthe infrastructure in the area, especially that of telecommunications. 近几年来,上海市政府在浦东地区投入了几百亿资金,从而改善了浦东地区的基础设施,尤其是电信设施。
- Selling new technology to governments has brought private contractors a bonanza of many tens of billions of dollars in the past ten years. 过去十年,向政府出售新技术给私人承包商带了巨大的财富。
- Insured people and taxpayers are forced to cross-subsidise such “uncompensated” and wasteful treatments to the tune of tens of billions of dollars per year. 投保人和纳税人被迫补贴这些“无保”户,一年浪费的治疗费用可达上百亿美元之巨。
- That ignorance includes a lack of clarity about China's defense spending. Washington contends that Beijing understates military spending by tens of billions of dollars. 这种(对中国军事的)不了解包括缺少对中国国防支出数额的透明性的了解。华盛顿认为北京低估了数百亿美元的军费开支。
- And, having approved tens of billions of dollars-worth of bonds to pay for everything from stem-cell research to road mending, it is racking up ever more debt. 议会同意发行价值达数百亿美圆的债券,以支付从干细胞研究到修路等项目的一切费用,债台越筑越高了。
- Already taxpayers are exposed to tens of billions of dollars in soured AIG assets, via participation in investment vehicles that the government helped finance. 通过参与政府帮助融资的投资工具,纳税人目前已持有了数百亿美元的AIG不良资产。
- Brazil has invested tens of billions of dollars to upgrade its energy generation and transmission capacity in recent years. Safeguards should limit disruption from storms. 近年来,巴西已投资了数百亿美元升级发电和输变电能力。安全措施应会限制风暴的破坏程度。