- Keywords nano-epoxy adhesive coating;tensive and shearing strength;anti-corrosion; 纳米环氧树脂胶粘涂层;拉伸剪切强度;耐腐蚀;
- tensive and shearing strength 拉伸剪切强度
- The results show that welding parameters do have influence on the microstructure and shear strength of welds. 结果表明,不同的焊接参数对于钢筋焊接网的剪切性能和组织有不同程度的影响。
- For acquiring good properties of brazed joint of coal cutter,the effect of tempering temperature on microstructure and shearing strength of brazed joint was studied. 为提高采煤机用截齿钎焊接头的抗剪强度,研究了钎焊后回火温度对钎缝显微组织和剪切强度的影响。
- The influences of the toughener and coupling agent on the morphology, thermal properties and shear strength of the adhesive were analyzed. 研究表明:随着增韧剂含量的增加,胶粘剂热分解温度下降;
- The fine texture and microstructure of dissimilar metal joint was observed with microscope and shear strength of the joints was tested. 利用光学显微镜观察铜-钢异种金属堆敷接头的显微结构及显微组织构成。
- Toughness, MOR, MOE and shearing strength parallel to grain increased with decrease of concentration of ACQ, but they were hardly affected by ACQ preservatives. 随着ACQ浓度的降低;冲击韧性、抗弯强度、抗弯弹性模量和顺纹弦面剪切强度有所增大;但影响都很小.;图4表10参6
- According to the landslide in revetment project, the cause of formation of landslide, the determination of reasonableslip surface and shear strength are analyzed. 结合某航道驳岸的滑坡情况,分析滑动产生的成因和机理,根据工程本身的各种现象,研究可能出现的滑动情况,排除了属于挡土墙本身的滑动问题,而是属于土坡稳定的问题,并根据实际情况,找出处理方法。
- It has been found that C 3D /PA6 has high er flexural properties than K 3D /PA6, while K 3D /PA6 has bett er impact strength and shear strength than C 3D /PA6. 研究发现 ,C3D/PA6的弯曲强度和弯曲模量均高于K3D/PA6,而K3D/PA6则比C3D/PA6具有更高的抗冲击强度和剪切强度
- The mechanical characteristics on the deformation, pore pressure and shear strength of undisturbed soft clay samples are studied with cyclic axial shear tests. 摘要利用从现场取得的原状土样,通过室内动三轴试验对循环荷载作用下的变形、孔压和强度特性进行研究。
- It showed that: when some cement was added to loess, loessic soil properties were improved, water content decreased and both compactness and shear strength of soil increased. 研究表明,黄土中掺入水泥搅拌后,土的性质得到改善,降低了土的含水量,提高了土的密实度及土的强度;
- The research results show that GFRP sheet can enhance the flexural and shear strength of the beam, but the enhancement is not proportion with the amount of fiber sheet layers. 结果表明,粘贴玻璃纤维片材可显著提高强度,但强度的提高并不与粘贴层数成正比。
- S. Ahat, M. Sheng, and L. Luo, “Microstructure and shear strength evolution of SnAg/Cu surface mount solder joint during aging”, J. Electron. Mater., Vol.30, p.1317 (2001). 游善溥,“锡锌系无铅焊锡与铜基材间附著性与界面反应之研究”,博士论文,成功大学材料科学及工程学系,第一章,第13页,(2000)。
- It could be classificated into tensive and non-tensive pneumomediastinum. 对其发病机理,分类和外科治疗进行了讨论。
- Based on these curves which completed by simple profile instument, we can analyze statistically JRC and shear strength of discontinuity, so that the defects of bad representative caused by less samples can be overcome. 用简易纵剖面仪可快速绘制大量结构面表面轮廓曲线,以便进行JRC统计分析和结构面抗剪强度的统计估算,克服了由于样本数少而估算结果代表性差的缺陷;
- Through the study of mechanical experiment, the uniaxial compression strength indices and shear strength parameters are put forward, which indicate that several typical soft rocks have strong aeolotropy, and that strength parameters are all very low. 通过多项力学试验研究,给出单轴抗压强度指标及抗剪参数,得出坝区几种典型岩组具有强烈的各向异性,其变形及强度参数均较低。
- Tuenty-four weeks after implantation the bending and shear strength of SC PLLA rods remained above 180 Mpa and 75Mpa respectively. They were higher than the strength of human cortical bone. 植入24周后,各组SC-PLLA在体内的力学强度均可维持在弯曲强度180Mpa以上,剪切强度75Mpa以上,它们都大于皮质骨强度。
- Engineering properties of deep clay in Huanghuai area, such as density, water content, particle size, mineralogical composition, expansibility, compressibility and shear strength etc., are summarized. 摘要总结了黄淮地区深部黏土的物理力学性质,包括密度、含水量、颗粒大小、矿物成分、膨胀性、压缩性、抗剪强度等。
- On the other hand, the changing confining pressure brings about crack linkage, medium loosing, contact interface flattening, friction coefficient dropping, and shear strength reducing. 另一方面,使裂纹串通、介质松动、接触面变平,降低摩擦系数、减小剪切强度。
- The bar fell into the machinery and sheared a connecting-rod. 那根棒掉进机器里把连杆给打弯了。