- terminal digit of chelicera 螯趾
- One of the digits of a vertebrate. 趾脊椎动物的足趾中的一个
- Serial Code Last 8 Digits of VIN No. 序列号 车辆标识号的后八位
- Display the last two digits of the year. 显示年份的最后两位数字。
- YY = the last two digits of the year. YY = 年份的后两位数。
- Displays the most significant digit of the seconds fraction. 显示秒的小数部分的最高有效数字。
- Represents the most significant digit of the seconds fraction. 显示秒部分的最高有效位。
- The first two digits of the object ID identify the object class. 对象ID的前两个数字标识对象类。
- The last two digits of the year (2001 is displayed as "01"). 年份的最后两位数(2001显示为“01”)。
- The digitization of Chinese books has been completed. 中国图书的数位化已经被完成了。
- The digit count starts from the leftmost nonzero digit of the exact result. 位数计数从准确结果的最左边的非零数字开始。
- The anastomotic methods of arterial were as follow: anastomosis of the terminal branches of the digital artery, anas tomsis of the branches of the terminal digital arterial arch. 吻合指固有动脉终末端或指动脉弓分支或指固有动脉终末端与指动脉弓分支吻合,或动静脉转流,尽可能多吻合指掌侧静脉。
- The current flows out of the output terminal. 电流从输出电极流出。
- A homologous digit of a bird, a reptile, or an amphibian.In birds, it is often directed backward. 后趾鸟、爬行动物或两栖动物类似的一个趾头,对鸟而言它通常向后
- A homologous digit of a bird, a reptile, or an amphibian. In birds, it is often directed backward. 后趾鸟、爬行动物或两栖动物类似的一个趾头,对鸟而言它通常向后
- How can I persuade you of my sincerity? 我如何能够让你相信我的诚意?
- There is a vein of melancholy in his character. 他的性格中有少许忧郁的气质。
- If we multiply together all odd primes less than 100, what will be the unit digit of the result? 若把所有小於100的奇質數乘起來,所得結果的個位數字是甚麼?
- A bowl of hot chicken soup is good for you. 喝一碗热鸡汤对你有好处。
- A cloud is a mass of vapor in the sky. 云是天空中的水汽团。