- FCC diesel was refined with special terra alba adsorbent and the refined diesel stability has been improved. 用改性活性白土吸附精制催化裂化柴油,精制后柴油的安定性得到显著提高。
- Anticorrosion Research on the Condensation System on the top of Evaporation and Exaction Column for Terra Alba Absorption Equipment 白土装置蒸发汽提塔顶冷凝系统的防腐蚀研究
- terra alba 石膏粉,纯白生石膏,白土,硬石膏
- The greater portion of Antarctica is still terra nullius. 南极洲的大部分地方不属于任何国家。
- What a relief to step out on terra firma again! 又踏上了陆地,是何等的安慰啊!
- Captain Scott set sail in the Terra Nova. 斯科特船长从新星地启航。
- Studies on rapid propagation of Cornus alba'Aurea'. 金叶红瑞木快繁技术研究。
- It's a painting of the Duchess of Alba in the nude. 这是一幅阿尔巴公爵夫人的裸体肖像画。
- Brett: Oh, you know that new girl, Terra? 哦,妳认得那个新来叫泰拉的女孩吗?
- Total flavones from Morus alba L. 桑叶总黄酮
- Populus alba L. var. pyramidalis Bunge. 新疆杨
- We're going to see the Terra Cotta Warriors. 我们打算去看兵马俑。
- Jessica Alba Scarlett Johansson ... 这可都是女神级的...
- Terra is a key bearer or truth bearer. 地球是钥匙肩负者或真相肩负者。
- A typo recedit flora alba, non roseola. Typus: 路莲0305001,存放于玉渊潭公园。
- After the rough sea voyage we were glad to reach terra firma. 经过了海上航行的惊涛骇浪,我们十分高兴来到陆地上。
- We\'re going to see the Terra Cotta Warriors. 我们打算去看兵马俑。
- Non buttare per terra i mozziconi delle sigarette! 不要把烟头扔在地上!
- Thomas Alva Edison was a great American inventor. 爱迪生是美国人,他是一位伟大的发明家。
- Quando coeli movendi sunt et terra. 届时天地都将震撼。